Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
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opConfig has some features only available through the command line tool, located at <omk_dir>/bin/opconfig-cli.exe. 

CLI examples


Information on what commands are supported is printed when no options are specified.  All options support debug=true for debug output and debug=9 for verbose output.  

opConfig cli has to be run as root. 

Listed below are the possible options for the act=X argument:


Tests a single given node (argument node=nodeX) and attempts to determine its Transport and Credential Set configuration. The node must already have a Personality set.

Code Block
./ act=discover node=NAME debug=1


opconfig-cli can be used to test connections to help debug situations that don't make any sense. 

An example of how it can be used:

bin/ act=test_connect


host= transport=Telnet personality=ios username=testuser password=testpass

The options for transport and personality are given above.

It is also possible to test an existing connection from the connections.nmis file by specifying node=node_name , if any options are specified on the command line along with the node they will override the settings loaded from the connections.nmis file.

command="some command" can also be specified to test the output of a specific command.

run_command_sets, Running commands on devices

This command will run all applicable command sets for all nodes (by default).


  • nodes=node1,node2,etc -- only command sets that apply to the specified nodes will be run.
  • names=command_set1,command_set2,etc – only run the specified command sets (and of course only for nodes matching the command sets' criteria)
  • tags=tag1,tag2,etc –  The candidate commands are filtered by the tags specified. If one or more tags given on the command line is present in the list of a command's tags, then the command will be run.

Code Block
./ act=run_command_sets node=


NODE_NAME debug=9 names=Check_Disk_Usage_home


get_command_output, Get the last output from a command for a node

Requries node=node


_name command="command name" and returns output collected from the last run of this command

Code Block
./ act=




output node=





revisions, Get the revisions of a command

Code Block
./ act=find_command_revisions node=



diff_command_outputs, Diff two revisions 

Shows the diff from the output of 2 revisions of stored output (does not run them, only queries).  The command line would look similar to get_command_output with the edition of revision_1= and revision_2=

Code Block
./ act=diff_command_outputs node=


NODENAME command="disk usage /home"  revision_1=2 revision_2=3 

purge options 

Code Block
./ act=purge_revisions node=


NODE_NAME debug=9


./ act=purge_indices

Config sets

Code Block


pl act=




pl act=import_


configset file=/tmp/


./ act=


export_configset name=test1  
./ act=


disable_configset name=test1 
./ act=


enable_configset name=test1 revision=1
./ act=




configset name=


test1 node=deb-n-burn



Code Block
./ act=list


_queue with_ids=1
./ act=remove_queued id=5e42a04b2b181345a5069093 

list_policies, import


_policy, export_policy; update_config_status, export_config_status  and check_compliance

These operations are documented on the separate page about Compliance Management.

Code Block


pl act=export_


policy name=cisco file=/tmp/policies2.txt


pl act=




policy name=cisco file=/tmp/policies2.txt
./ act=


./ act=


export_config_status node=NODENAME file=/tmp/configstatus.txt 
./ act=




config_status node=NODENAME force=1 
./ act=


check_compliance name=cisco node=NODENAME debug=1