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Required values for condition elements

messageString - Message
condition0 means a bad state for this condition, 1 means a good state for the condition, undef signals that the state of this condition is not known.

URL Cell

You can have the conditions table render a URL cell in one or many rows.

urlhttp or https link
url_labelOptional label for the link, if none if given then the url is displayed

Code Block
push(@foundConditions, {
  message=> "Interface $interface has HIGH percentage of INPUT packets being switched by the processor.",
  url => "",
  url_label => "Knowledge Base",
  condition => 1,


Render a link which when the user clicks displays a tooltip.

tooltipString to render in the tooltip view

Code Block
push(@foundConditions, {
  message=>"Interface $interface has HIGH percentage of OUTPUT packets being switched by the processor.",
  tooltip => "This is a bad thing, you should release the monkeys",
  condition => 0,


ts_tagTag to filter command sets by for creating a new virtual operator job

Code Block
  message=>"Interface $interface has HIGH percentage of input errors.",
  condition => 1


New Derived Information Elements in opConfig 4.2.1

opConfig now supports a hash element being part of the derived data rows array. This allows greater flexibility in displaying data to the user and generating troubleshooting workflows.

Virtual Operator Parameters

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Gives the user an opportunity to create a new virtual operator job with predefined parameters, clicking the link takes the user to the Virtual Operator Job form and all values are prefilled out.

For example we could have a command_set called "ping" which accepts the parameter $ipaddress. We could pass the ip of the interfaces opConfig has just collected. This creates chainable jobs which can create a powerful troubleshooting workflow.

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command_setString, name of the command_set you wish the user to run
parametersHash of parameters you wish to give to the virtual operator job

Code Block
push(@mtr_table, ["Item 1", "Item 2", {command_set => "ping", parameters => { ipaddress => ""}}]);

Related Virtual Operator Job


push(@mtr_table, ["Item 1", "Item 2", {command_set => "ping", parameters => { ipaddress => ""}}]);

Related Virtual Operator Job

In opConfig plugins you can tigger new jobs to be run and have the job_id returned in the current context, if you create a related_job cell and pass in the job_id opConfig will render a cell with a link through to the job your triggered.

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related_jobID of a queued or run virtual operator job
related_job_label(optional) String for the related job link, if none is given it show "Related Job"

Code Block
push(@mtr_table, ["Item 1", "Item 2", {related_job => $job_id_1, related_job_label => "Custom Label"}]);
push(@mtr_table, ["Item 1", "Item 2", {related_job => $job_id_2}]);
