Code Block |
{ "name": "IOS - Configuration Best Practices", "description": "A configuration set to configure the IOS device, by enabling and disabling various services and features.", "filter": { "os_info.os": "IOS" }, "notify": { "email": "you@company.com" }, "error_handling": { "match": [ "/Invalid input detected/" ], "break_on_error": false }, "pre-commands": [ "_reload_in 5" ], "commands": [ "no ip http server", "no ip http secure-server", "no ip finger", "no service finger", "no service udp-small-servers", "no service tcp-small-servers", "no boot network", "no service config", "service password-encryption", "service timestamps debug datetime msec", "service timestamps log datetime msec", "service sequence-numbers", "service tcp-keepalives-in", "service tcp-keepalives-out", "no ip source-route", "line con 0 ", "exec-timeout 10 0", "exit", "line vty 0 4", "exec-timeout 10 0", "exit" ], "post-commands": [ "reload cancel" ] } |
Config Set Parameters
Since From opConfig 4.2.6 it is possible to use parameters in a config set.