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The individual performing this installation has some Linux experience.

 Root level server access.


NOTE - This guide is for upgrading an existing Linux installation to Open-AudIT 1.0.4.  If If you wish to install onto a clean server, use the pre-requisites and installation guides.

Backup Your Existing Install

Backup your database.   Substitute your actual username for USER (likely openaudituser), password for PASSWORD (likely openaudituserpassword), your database name (likely openaudit) for DATABASE_NAME and a suitable path and filename for BACKUP_FILE_NAME in the command below.

Code Block

Backup your files by copying  your your existing files to a backup directory. 

Code Block
cp -R /usr/local/open-audit /usr/local/open-audit_backup


Code Block
service stop omkd

cp -R /usr/local/omk /usr/local/omk_backup  

Copy the Open-AudIT tarball to the server (OAE-Linux-x86_64-1.0.4.tar.gz).

You may need to use SCP or FTP to get the file onto the server.

The file will now likely be in the users home directory.

Change into the /usr/local directory.

Code Block
cd /usr/local


Untar the file.

Code Block
tar xvf ~/OAE-Linux-x86_64-1.0.4.tar.gz


Fix the file ownership and permissions.


Code Block
chown -R root:root omk


chmod -R 775 omk

chown -R root:www-data /usr/local/open-audit

chmod -R 770 /usr/local/open-audit

chmod -R 777 /usr/local/open-audit/code_igniter/application/views/lang/

chmod 770 /usr/local/open-audit/other/

chmod 770 /usr/local/open-audit/other/

chmod 660 /usr/local/open-audit/other/open-audit.log



If the omkd daemon is not installed, install the daemon.


Code Block
cp install/omkd.init.d /etc/init.d/omkd

chkconfig --add omkd



Copy the config files.


Code Block
cp install/users.dat conf/

cp install/oae_reports.json conf/

cp install/opCommon.nmis conf/



Edit the config files.

Code Block
nano conf/opCommon.nmis

Edit the "openauditenterprise" section and insert the actual ip address of the server (not or localhost) in to the oae_server variable (along with http:// and don't forget the trailing /). If you have Open-AudIT installed into a sub directory in your web root, be sure to add that to the end of the oae_server variable above. For our virtual appliance it would be http://<SERVER_IP>/open-audit/

The email section is described in the Open-AudIT Enterprise - Configuration Guide document.

If the omkd daemon is installed, merge the config files with those from your backed up directory. This should be done manually as new configuration items may have been added to the new file. If any items are not as per the defaults in the backed up file, copy them across.

If the omkd daemon is not installed,


create the nmis user.

Code Block
useradd nmis

Start the daemon.

Code Block
service omkd start


Test the Daemon

You should now be able to point a web browser at http://SERVER:4082/omk/oae




