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This will be required later, so make a note of it now.

Installation Steps

All local commands should be run as root.


Code Block
cd /usr/local/omk/

Install Copy the daemon startup script.

Code Block
cp install/omkd.init.d /etc/init.d/omkd

For Debian / Ubuntu, you will need to edit the start up script (nano /etc/init.d/omkd).

You need to replace the line






. /lib/lsb/init-functions

Add the daemon

Code Block
chkconfig --add omkd

Copy the config files.


Code Block
service omkd start

NOTE for Debian / Ubuntu users. If the daemon refuses to start, you may need to alter the folder permissions. The error you might receive is below.

Starting omk daemon: daemon: fatal: refusing to execute unsafe program: /usr/local/omk/script/ (/usr/local/omk/script/ is group writable)

Change the folder permissions like so:


Code Block
chmod -R 700 /usr/local/omk

chmod -R 755 /usr/local/omk/log

chmod -R 755 /usr/local/omk/conf

And start the daemon as above.


Test the Daemon

You should now be able to point a web browser at http://SERVER:8042/omk/oae
