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Table of Contents

What are the default credentials to log into the web interface?


Complete at least the username and password fields and allow access to at least one Group.

How can I get some dummy data in Open-AudIT?

There is code in Open-AudIT for generating dummy data, however it is disabled by default.

NOTE - You should not run this function on a database containing valid data.

To enable to dummy data generation, you must edit the file:

Windows - c:\xampplite\open-audit\code_igniter\application\controllers\admin_test.php

Linux - /usr/local/open-audit/code_igniter/application/controllers/admin_test.php

Locate the line that contains redirect('/'); - it should be just below the line function data() {

Comment out the line by placing a hash # at the start of the line.

Now in the Open-AudIT web interface - as an Admin level user - call the URL http://<SERVER>/index.php/admin_test/data or (if you have the Opmantek VM) http://<SERVER>/open-audit/index.php/admin_test/data

It may take a few seconds to return to the homepage, but when it does you should have data for 1,000 devices, multiple locations and organisations in your database.

NOTE - This is dummy data and is not equivalent to a complete "audit" of Windows or Linux computers. The data inserted is very basic and intended as a demonstration only.

To remove the inserted data, you a couple of options (I recommend the second option):

1 - Delete the location and organisations via the web interface, then bulk edit all devices and set their status to "deleted". Once done, to go Admin -> Database -> Database Maintenance and click the delete icon for "All Non Production Devices".

2 - Run the openaudit_mysql.sql script.

   On linux, open a shell and type : mysql -u openaudit -popenauditpassword openaudit < /usr/local/open-audit/other/openaudit_mysql.sql

   On Windows, open a command prompt and type - c:\xampplite\mysql\bin\mysql -u openaudit -popenauditpassword openaudit < c:\xampplite\mysql\bin\openaudit_mysql.sql

How can I access the Open-AudIT Community application?

The default URL for accessing Open-AudIT Community is http://<SERVER>/index.php/main/list_groups (where <SERVER> is your computer name or IP Address).

NOTE - if you have the Opmantek VM, the URL will be http://<SERVER>/open-audit/index.php/main/list_groups (where <SERVER> is your computer name or IP Address).


You should now be able to navigate to http://<SERVER>:81/ in your browser and get a response.

I cannot start the Apache service on Windows.

Have you checked that another program is not already using port 80? If you start a command prompt and type:
