Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.


Windows source is not covered in this document. Linux source and Windows XAMPPlite are detailed below. It is assumed if you can install Open-AudIT onto Windows not using the supplied and pre-configured XAMPPlite download, you will be able to follow the Windows XAMPPlite instructions as provided here and adapt them as necessary.

Backup your database

Linux - mysqldump -u root -pPASSWORD DATABASE_NAME > BACKUP_FILE_NAME.sql

Windows - c:\xampplite\mysql\bin\mysqldump -u root -pPASSWORD DATABASE_NAME > BACKUP_FILE_NAME.sql


  • DATABASENAME is usually openaudit.
  • PASSWORD is usually openauditrootuserpassword.
  • BACKUP_FILE_NAME is usually the date and database name thus - 2013-06-20_openaudit.sql

You may wish to store the database backup on another disk. Do this by pre-pending the file path to the BACKUP_FILE_NAME.sql file. IE for Windows, d:\backups\BACKUP_FILE_NAME.sql

Backup your files

Linux - mv /usr/local/open-audit /usr/local/open-audit.bak

Windows - Use Windows Explorer to rename c:\xampplite\open-audit to c:\xampplite\open-audit.bak

Install new files


Code Block
# Extract the package.

# Change to the directory created.
cd open-audit

# Create the install directory.
mkdir /usr/local/open-audit

# Copy your extracted package files to it.
cp -r * /usr/local/open-audit/

# Set the appropriate permissions on the install directory.
# On Ubuntu and Debian
chown -R root:www-data /usr/local/open-audit
# On CentOS and RedHat
chown -R root:apache /usr/local/open-audit

# Set the appropriate permissions on the install directory.
chmod -R 770 /usr/local/open-audit
chmod -R 770 /usr/local/open-audit/code_igniter/application/views/lang/
chmod 770 /usr/local/open-audit/
chmod 770 /usr/local/open-audit/
chmod 770 /usr/local/open-audit/other/

# Set the required permissions.
# On Ubuntu and Debian
cp -r /usr/local/open-audit/www/* /var/www/
chown -R root:www-data /var/www 
chmod -R 755 /var/www 
# On CentOS and RedHat
cp -r /usr/local/open-audit/www/* /var/www/html/
chown -R root:apache /var/www/html
chmod -R 755 /var/www/html

# Create the Open-AudIT log file.
touch /usr/local/open-audit/other/open-audit.log
chmod 777 /usr/local/open-audit/other/open-audit.log

# Edit index.php and set the correct paths for the $system_path and $application_folder variables. 
# On Ubuntu and Debian 
nano /var/www/index.php
# On CentOS and RedHat
nano /var/www/html/index.php
# $system_path = '/usr/local/open-audit/code_igniter/system';
# $application_folder = '/usr/local/open-audit/code_igniter/application';  

# Restore any modifications you made to /usr/local/open-audit/code_igniter/application/config/config.php   



Extract the downloaded package into c:\xampplite\open-audit

Copy the contents of the folder c:\xampplite\open-audit\www\ to c:\xampplite\htdocs and overwrite all files.

Edit c:\xampplite\htdocs\index.php in a text editor and set the correct paths for $system_path and $application_folder.

$system_path = 'c:/xampplite/open-audit/code_igniter/system';

$application_folder = 'c:/xampplite/open-audit/code_igniter/application';

Create a new text file called c:\xampplite\open-audit\open-audit\other\open-audit.log

Edit the file c:\xampplite\open-audit\open-audit\code_igniter\application\config\database.php and insert the correct database credentials and name (these should be the same as your backed-up file at c:\xampplite\open-audit.bak\code_igniter\application\config\database.php).

Restore any modifications you made to c:\xampplite\open-audit\code_igniter\application\config\config.php

Restore any custom files

If you have any custom files, copy them to the new location from your backup.

Upgrade your database

Log on to the web interface as admin and go to Help -> About. Upgrade the database.

Update your audit scripts

New audit script are included in this release. You can find them at open-audit/other. Make sure to update and GPO/login/other scripts you have configured with these new scripts.


Some Reports have been redefined along with the report display pages. You may wish to check by running varied Reports against various Groups. If a Report does not show as intended, you should first backup the report by going to Admin -> Reports -> List Reports and clicking the export report icon. Save the XML file. Next, delete the report (click on the delete report icon). Then go to Admin -> Reports -> Activate Report and activate the Report in question. NOTE - The name may have changed slightly. Test the newly activated Report works as intended. If it does not, don't hesitate to post a bug report to the forms at page is no longer used.

Please see:

Linux - Installing (old pre v1.3.1)

Linux - Upgrading (old pre v1.3.1)

Windows - Installing

Windows - Upgrading