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Table of Contents

What are the default credentials to log into the web interface?


Code Block
$config['permitted_uri_chars'] = 'a-z 0-9~%.:|(),_\-!=&[]@*';

How can I add another user to Open-AudIT?

In the Open-AudIT web interface, as an admin user, select the menu item menu -> Admin -> Users -> Add a User.

Complete at least the username and password fields and allow access to at least one Group.


If you can see a device has been discovered and is being counted on the Dashboard Graph and also appears in the Report for that day, but does NOT not show on the System Summary page of Open-AudIT Enterprise, make sure the "status" of the device has not been set to something other than 'production'. 

If this status has been set and you wish to view the device, you will have to do so in Open-AudIT Enterprise, you Community. You will need to activate the 'Non Production Devices' Group (Admin -> Groups -> Activate Group) and assign view basic details rights to the open-audit_enterprise relevant user (Admin -> Users -> List Users -> Edit User) on this Group.


If you call the URL below in a browser, you should receive a logon page. Do NOT use this for logging on, only for testing the OMKD omkd (Opmantek) service/daemon is running.
