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Below are the default values for the configuration of Open-AudIT. These can all be changed to work as you desire.

As at 1.12.10. 

Code Block
| config_name                               | config_value                                     | config_descriptiondescription                                                                                                                                           |
| adblessed_subnets_domainuse                | y         |                                | Should we only accept data from the blessed subnets list. | The domain name against which your users will validate to log on to Open-AudIT. EG -                                                   | | ad_server                      |
| default_network_address  |          |                                 | The IP Address of the domain controller your users will validate to log         | The ip address or resolvable hostname used by external devices to talk to Open-AudIT.   EG -                                               | | blessed_subnets_use           |
| delete_noncurrent   | y              | n                          | Should we only accept data from the blessed subnets list.     | Should we delete any attributes that are not present when we audit a device.                                                                          |
| defaultdiscovery_networkcreate_addressalerts            |  y                                         | TheShould ipOpen-AudIT addresscreate oran resolvableentry hostnamein usedthe byalert externaltable devicesif toa talkchange tois Open-AudIT.detected.                                                                         |
| delete_noncurrentdiscovery_ip_exclude               |     | n                                     | Populate this list |with Shouldip weaddresses deleteto anybe attributesexcluded thatfrom arediscovery. notIPs presentshould whenbe weseparated auditby a devicespace.                                               |
| discovery_linux_script_directory   | /tmp/                      | | discovery_create_alerts             | yThe directory the script is copied into on the target device.                               | Should Open-AudIT create an entry in the alert table if a change is detected.                                            |
| discovery_linux_script_permissions | 700                         | | discovery_ip_exclude            | The permissions |set on the script when it is copied to the target device.                               | Populate this list with ip addresses to be excluded from discovery. IPs should be separated by a space.             |
| discovery_nmap_os                  | n             | | discovery_linux_script_directory   | /tmp/                      | When discovery runs Nmap, should we use the -O flag to capture OS information |(will Theslow directorydown thescan scriptand isrequires copiedSUID into on the target deviceNmap binary under Linux). |
| discovery_use_dns                  | y                                         | Should we use DNS for looking up the hostname and domain.               | | discovery_linux_script_permissions | 700                                       | The permissions set on the script when it is copied to the target device.                    |
| discovery_use_ipmi                 | y                      | | discovery_nmap_os                  | nShould we use ipmitool for discovering management ports if ipmitool is installed.                              | When discovery runs Nmap, should we use the -O flag to capture OS information (will slow down scan and requires SUID on the Nmap binary under Linux). | | discovery_update_groups         |
| display_version | y                  | 2.0.1                                     | The version shown on the web pages.                                                                                                                   |
| download_reports                   | download                                  | Tells Open-AudIT to advise the browser to download as a file or display the csv, xml, json reports. Valid values are download and display.            |
| graph_days                         | 30                                        | The number of days to report on for the Enterprise graphs.                                                                                            |
| homepage                           | groups                                    | Any links to the default page should be directed to this endpoint.                                                                                    |
| internal_version                   | 20170620                                  | The internal numerical version.                                                                                                                       |
| logo                               | logo-banner-oac-oae                       | The logo to be used in Open-AudIT. Should be a 475x60 .png. Name should not include the file extension. logo-banner-oac-oae is the default.           |
| log_level                          | 5      | Should Open-AudIT update the device groups after discovering a device.                         | Tells Open-AudIT which severity of event (at least) should be logged.                                            | | discovery_use_dns                  | y                |
| log_retain_level_0                 | 180     | Should we use DNS for looking up the hostname and domain.                       | Tells Open-AudIT how many days to keep logs with severity  0.                                                          | | discovery_use_ipmi                 | y            |
| log_retain_level_1                 | 180         | Should we use ipmitool for discovering management ports if ipmitool is installed.                  | Tells Open-AudIT how many days to keep logs with severity 1.                                        | | display_version                    | 1.12.10                           |
| log_retain_level_2      | The version shown on the web pages.    | 180                                       | Tells Open-AudIT how many days to keep logs with severity    2.                                                         | | distinct_groups                    | y          |
| log_retain_level_3                 | 180           | Display Groups on the homepage, separated into the type of each Group.                | Tells Open-AudIT how many days to keep logs with severity 3.                                                     | | download_reports                   | download               |
| log_retain_level_4                 | Tells180 Open-AudIT to advise the browser to download as a file or display the csv, xml, json reports. Valid values are download and display.            | | internal_version  |                 | 20160811 Tells Open-AudIT how many days to keep logs with severity 4.                                 | The internal numerical version.                                                     |
| log_retain_level_5                 | 90                                        | Tells Open-AudIT how many days |to |keep logologs with severity 5.                            | logo-banner-oae                           | The logo to be used in Open-AudIT. Should be a 475x60 .png. Name should not include the file extension. logo-banner-oac-oae is the default.           |
| log_retain_level       _6                   | 530                                         | Tells Open-AudIT whichhow severitymany ofdays eventto (atkeep least)logs shouldwith beseverity logged6.                                                                                 | | log_style       |
| log_retain_level_7                 | 7    syslog                                     | Tells Open-AudIT whichhow logmany formatdays to use.keep Validlogs valueswith are json and syslogseverity 7.                                                                           | | maps_url                           | /omk/oae/map   |
| maps_api_key                       | AIzaSyAhAUqssRASeC0Pfyx1TW1DXRmboG5bdG0   | The webAPI serverkey addressfor ofGoogle opMapsMaps.                                                                                                                     | | match_dbus   |
| maps_url                    | n      | /omk/open-audit/map                       | The web server address of opMaps.     | Should we match a device based on its dbus id.                                                                                                        |
| match_fqdndbus                         | yn                                         | Should we match a device based on its dbus fqdnid.                                                                                                           |
| match_hostnamefqdn                         | y                                         | Should we match a device based on its hostnamefqdn.                                                                                                           |
| match_hostname_dbus                     | y                                         | Should we match a device based only on its hostname.   and   dbus id.                                                                                           |
| match_hostname_serialdbus                | y                                         | Should we match a device based on its hostname and serialdbus id.                                                                                            |
| match_hostname_uuid  serial              | y                                         | Should we match a device based on its hostname and UUIDserial.                                                                                              |
| match_ip           _hostname_uuid                | ny                                         | Should we match a device based on its ip.hostname and    UUID.                                                                                                        |
| match_macip                           | n                                         | Should we match a device based on its mac address. ip.                                                                                                             |
| match_mac_vmware                          | n                                         | Should we match a device based macon address even if it's a known likely duplicate from VMware.its mac address.                                                              | | match_serial                       | y            |
| match_mac_vmware                   | n       | Should we match a device based on its serial number.                        | Should we match a device based mac address even if it's a known likely duplicate from VMware.                                                         |
| match_serial_type                       | y                                         | Should we match a device based on its serial number. and type.                                                                                                |
| match_uuid       serial_type                  | y                                         | Should we match a device based on its UUID.serial           and type.                                                                                                |
| network_group_auto_creatematch_uuid          | y              | y                          | Have Open-AudIT automatically create Groups based on Subnet.       | Should we match a device based on its UUID.                                                                          | | network_group_homepage_limit       | 20                       |
| nmis               | The number of network groups to display on the homepage.      | n                                         | Enable import / export to NMIS functions.                                       | | network_group_subnet               | 30                                        | If the netmask is equal to or greater than this number, do not create a network group.   |
| nmis_url                           |                                | | nmis         | The web server address of NMIS.                | n                                         | Enable import / export to NMIS functions.                                                      |
| oae_license                        | none                            | | nmis_url        | License status of Open-AudIT Enterprise.              |                                           | The web server address of NMIS.                                               |
| oae_prompt                         | 2017-06-28                                | Prompt to activate a license for Open-AudIT Enterprise.    | | non_admin_search                   | y                                         | Enable or disable search for non-Administrators                      |
| oae_url                            | /omk/open-audit                           | The web server address of Open-AudIT Enterprise.                | | oae_url                            | /omk/oae                                  | The web server address of Open-AudIT Enterprise.              |
| page_refresh                       | 300                                       | Interval in seconds between auto-refreshing the page. Set to 0 to cancel auto-refresh.          | | page_refresh                       | 300                            |
  | process_netstat_windows_dns        | Interval in seconds between auto-refreshing the page. Set to 0 to cancel auto-refresh.                              | Should we keep track of Windows netsta ports used by DNS above port 1000.                    | | rss_enable                         | y                             |
| rss_enable          | Enable the RSS feed.           | y                                         | Enable the RSS feed.                                                                         | | rss_url                            | | The RSS feed URL.                      |
|   rss_url                            | | The RSS feed URL.                                                                         | | show_passwords                     | n                                    |
| uuid   | Show any passwords on forms.                       | 980906d2-5994-11e7-a4a3-1c1b0d60813b      | The unique identfier of this Open-AudIT server.                                                                                     | | show_snmp_community                |
n| oae_product                        | Open-AudIT  Community             | Show the SNMP community string on forms.  | The name of the installed commercial application.                                                                                                     |