Make sure (if you wish to use Discovery), that you have set your values for default_* items.
Discover a single device.
With this feature (added in version 2.0.6) you can audit a single machine to get an idea of how OpenAudIT works. Furthermore, you can use this feature to add a single device without performing a full discovery on a subnet.
How to discover a single Device
Discover and audit devices.
After everything is installed and configured correctly and you have set your credentials, it is time to start your first audit. You can do this in a few different ways (shown below) however as mentioned above, it is best to see if if OpenAudIT is up and working correctly before trying to audit multiple machines or devices.
With this feature you can audit a single machine to get an idea of how OpenAudIT works. Furthermore, you can use this feature to add a single device without performing a full discovery on a subnet.
How to discover a single Device
OpenAudIT allows you to import multiple devices by using discovery on a subnet.