Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


GET  Return a collection of itemsY
ANYlist Return a collection of items.Y
GETcreate Show an HTML form to create a new item.NY
GETimport  Show an HTML form to import a list of items using a CSV.Y
GETreadYShow the details of an item .YGETeditYShow a form to edit an item's details(and aloow edit if user has permission).Y



To sort by a database column, user "sort={attribute}". To reverse sort, insert a minus, thus "sort=-{attribute}".


Requested properties should be in a comma-separated list. Properties should be fully qualified - ie, system.hostname (not just hostname).

Code Block


To filter by a property value, use the property name. Operators that should precede the value are !=, >, >=, <, <=, 'like' and '!like'. If no operator is specified, the default is =. Properties should be fully qualified - ie, system.hostname (not just hostname).

Code Block
