Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Widgets are designed to be used on Dashboards.

Enterprise users have complete freedom to create, update and delete widgets as required.



When creating a widget, if you select the 'Advanced' button you will have the ability to upload your own custom SQL.

The SELECT section of your SQL must contain fully qualified columns and specify certain columns.

 Pie charts must return name or my_name, description or my_description and count.

Line charts must return date or my_date, description or my_description and count.

The WHERE section of your SQL must contain WHERE @filter so Open-AudIT knows to restrict your query to the appropriate Orgs. SQL not containing this condition will result in the widget failing to be executed.

An example widget SQL showing devices counted per location.

No Formatcode
SELECT as `name`, AS `description`, count( AS `count` FROM locations LEFT JOIN system ON ( = system.location_id) WHERE @filter GROUP BY

More elaborate SQL can used to group attributes within a range. Below shows the SQL for devices not seen in a pie chart grouped by last seen date ranges.


SELECT IF ( system.last_seen = "2000-01-01", "unknown", ( IF ( system.last_seen < DATE(NOW() - INTERVAL 180 day), "180 Days or more", ( IF ( system.last_seen < DATE(NOW() - INTERVAL 150 day), "150-180 days", ( IF ( system.last_seen < DATE(NOW() - INTERVAL 120 day), "120-150 days", ( IF ( system.last_seen < DATE(NOW() - INTERVAL 90 day), "90-120 days", ( IF ( system.last_seen < DATE(NOW() - INTERVAL 60 day), "60-90 days", ( IF ( system.last_seen < DATE(NOW() - INTERVAL 30 day), "30-60 days", "7-30 days" ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) AS `my_name`, IF ( system.last_seen = "2000-01-01", "system.last_seen=", ( IF ( system.last_seen < DATE(NOW() - INTERVAL 180 day), CONCAT("system.last_seen=<", DATE(NOW() - INTERVAL 180 day)), ( IF ( system.last_seen < DATE(NOW() - INTERVAL 150 day), CONCAT("system.last_seen=>", DATE(NOW() - INTERVAL 180 day), "&system.last_seen=<", DATE(NOW() - INTERVAL 150 day)), ( IF ( system.last_seen < DATE(NOW() - INTERVAL 120 day), CONCAT("system.last_seen=>", DATE(NOW() - INTERVAL 150 day), "&system.last_seen=<", DATE(NOW() - INTERVAL 120 day)), ( IF ( system.last_seen < DATE(NOW() - INTERVAL 90 day), CONCAT("system.last_seen=>", DATE(NOW() - INTERVAL 120 day), "&system.last_seen=<", DATE(NOW() - INTERVAL 90 day)), ( IF ( system.last_seen < DATE(NOW() - INTERVAL 60 day), CONCAT("system.last_seen=>", DATE(NOW() - INTERVAL 90 day), "&system.last_seen=<", DATE(NOW() - INTERVAL 60 day)), ( IF ( system.last_seen < DATE(NOW() - INTERVAL 30 day), CONCAT("system.last_seen=>", DATE(NOW() - INTERVAL 60 day), "&system.last_seen=<", DATE(NOW() - INTERVAL 30 day)), CONCAT("system.last_seen=>", DATE(NOW() - INTERVAL 30 day), "&system.last_seen=<", DATE(NOW() - INTERVAL 7 day))) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) AS `my_description`, count( AS `count` FROM system WHERE @filter AND DATE(system.last_seen) < DATE(NOW() - INTERVAL 7 day) GROUP BY `my_name` ORDER BY system.last_seen;


Database Schema

The schema for the database is below. It can also be found in the application is the user has attributes::read permission by going to menu: Manage -> Database -> List Database, then clicking on the "widgets" table.
