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We also have an option to restrict discovery to private IP addresses only. So you won't try to discover the internet (smile)(smile). You can of course try to discover the internet, but you'll only get as far as a device with credentials you can talk to. Typically your gateway router. It will connect to your ISP, but you won't have credentials available for your IPS's device. Hence it won't find any more IPs and will stop there.


The usual discovery options are also present for SNMP, SSH testing, nmap rules, etc. Just like a regular discovery.As an aside, from 4.1.0 onwards we allow more flexibility when creating a discovery regarding setting individual discovery scan options. You can now change individual options without having to create a "custom" discovery scan options entry. The Discovery Scan Options for a given discovery now function as the match rules. You choose an option set, but you can override individual options. They'll default to the discovery scan option chosen, if not explicitly set. Much more flexible and intuitive. These are still restricted to Enterprise licensed customers.

So, back to our new Device Seed discovery, how does it find "known IPs"? See below. In all cases you will need credentials to talk to the device.
