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Traffic Snapshot Reports

The Traffic Snapshot report  requires a deep structure to describe each of its multiple pages.



Configuration Option




Page title. Every page can have its own title; If not set, "Page <nr>" is used.


Summary Title

This title text is shown before the Summary Table. If not set it's omitted.


Table Column Heading

The heading is meant for the first column in the table, which enumerates the Business Services you've selected.
If not set, then "Interfaces" is used.


Peak Type

The "Peak Utilisation" can be the combined sum of utilisation figures across the group, or the utilisation of one "busiest" interface.


Capacity Type

The "Capacity" can be the combined sum of capacities across the group, or the capacity of the one "slowest" interface.


Graph Order

Graphs for the interfaces of a given Business Service can be grouped horizontally or vertically.



For each interface, the named NMIS graph is generated.


Level Color Scheme

Coloring scheme for utilisation levels

Report-Specific Settings

Multiple Pages for Traffic Snapshot Report

In a schedule file this structure is known as pages, and it is passed to opreports-cli serialised in dot-notation form.


Per-Page Options Property



The title for this report page. Optional; if not present "Page <N>" is used.


The summary title is shown above the utilisation summary table.

Optional; if not present "Utilisation Summary" is used.


The value of this property is used as table column heading for the business service column in the summary table.

Optional; if not present, "Interfaces" is used.


The name of the NMIS graph to produce for each selected interface. Required.

Note that the "short name" of the graph is to be used, e.g. "autil", not "Interface Utilisation including Availability".


The graphs for all members of one business service group will be arranged in the selected order.
Value: either same_row or same_column. Optional; default is same_column, i.e. a vertical arrangement.


A hash sub-structure that describes the desired coloring scheme for this page, based on utilisation level.

Optional; if not present, then the levels from the global configuration option report_summary_levels are used.

Level Color Schemes

The coloring rules must be set separately for each page. 
To simplify reuse the schedule editing GUI will let you pick only from existing schemes that are defined in opCommon.nmis: the color level schemes must be attached to the configuration item report_snapshot_levels, and each scheme must have its own key. opReports ships with two example schemes to illustrate this setup.


Level Property



The displayed label for this level.


A number. The lowest level with a utilisation figure (strictly) higher than the threshold 'wins'.

The  lowest defined level should have a negative threshold.


A color name or a "#RRGGBB" HTML-style color specification. This color is used for the cell background of the 'Peak' column.

The color name must be one of the ones that XLSX supports; RGB is more robust.

How levels and peak/capacity types interact

The utilisation summary table contains three columns:





One of combinedbusiest_bits or busiest_util. Default is combined.

Combined: The peak utilisation for the interface group is defined as the sum of all involved interfaces' traffic.

Busiest by Bits: The peak utilisation is sourced from the one interface with the highest traffic figure.

Busiest by Utilisation: The peak utilisation is sourced from the one interface with the highest ratio of traffic to configured interface capacity.


One of combined or slowest. Default is combined.
Combined: The overall capacity for the interface group is defined as the sum of all involved interfaces' configured capacity.
Slowest: The overall capacity is defined as the capacity of the slowest interface, ie. the one with the lowest configured capacity.

Here is an  complete example Snapshot Report Schedule in JSON form:

Code Block
    "active": false,
    "description": "an example weekly snapshot report",
    "type": "snapshot",
    "outputdir": "/usr/local/omk/var/reports",
    "start": "mon 00:00",
    "end": "sun: 24:00",
    "frequency": "weekly",
    "formats": {
        "csv": true,
        "xlsx": true,
        "html": true
    "options": {
        "peak_type": "combined",
        "capacity_type": "combined"
    "pages": [{
        "business_services": ["first service", "second service"],
        "options": {
            "title": "this is page one",
            "graph_order": "same_row",
            "graph": "abits",
            "summary_title": "this is summary one",
            "column_heading": "Links on page one",
            "levels": {
                "low": {
                    "color": "green",
                    "description": "low util",
                    "threshold": -1
                "high": {
                    "color": "red",
                    "description": "high util",
                    "threshold": 50
    }, {
        "options": {
            "graph": "autil",
            "summary_title": "this is summary two",
            "column_heading": "Other Intfs",
            "title": "page two",
            "graph_order": "same_column",
            "levels": {
                "boring": {
                    "color": "#00ff00",
                    "description": "30-60%",
                    "threshold": 30
                "third": {
                    "description": "1-30%",
                    "color": "#008000",
                    "threshold": 1
                "attic": {
                    "color": "#ffa31a",
                    "description": "above 80%",
                    "threshold": 80
                "ground": {
                    "color": "#004d00",
                    "description": "under 1%",
                    "threshold": -1
                "balcony": {
                    "threshold": 60,
                    "color": "#c6ff1a",
                    "description": "60-80%"
        "business_services": ["another business service", "and one more with more intfs", "and maybe a last one, too"]