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Comment: updated escaltion restriction docs


Your escalation policy clearly needs a name; the example uses weekday and afterhours. The two other components of the escalation policy are the IF clause, which sets the scope of the policy, and the  list of escalation steps.

Escalation Time and Priority Restrictions

The IF clause is used to determine whether a particular escalation policy should be active at a given time, and for events of a given priority.

The priority setting is required and contains a comparison operator, a space and a number; if .
If your policy is to be unrestricted simply use >= 0 (event priorities range from 0 to 10).

The days setting is optional, and should contain a comma-separated list of weekdays when the policy should be active. If days are not given, then the policy works on all days.
The days must be given by their full names, ie. "Monday" or "Thursday".

The begin and end properties set up the daily time range for this policy. policy. No begin means "starts at midnight" and no end is interpreted as "ends at midnight".
The policy will be active in the interval between begin and endbetween begin and end, if the begin time is earlier than end (like in the example above).
To invert the interval meaning, ie. for events outside work the given (business) hours, simply swap begin and end swap begin and end over. For example, a policy with begin 18:00 and end 05:00 will work after 18:00 and before 05:00. If days are not given, then the policy works on all days. No begin means "starts at midnight" and no end is interpreted as "ends at midnight"

All criteria must match for an escalation policy to be active.

Escalation Step Definition
