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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Creating an opEvents Object inside a parser plugin

This example shows how we can create the opEvents object for use inside a parser plugin.


Code Block
titleMinimal Example
package Event_State_Example;
our $VERSION="0.0.0";

use lib "/usr/local/omk/lib";
use strict;

use OMK::Common;
use OMK::opEvents;
use OMK::Log;
# arguments: the line (currently being parsed),
# and reference to the live event properties
# returns: (status-or-error)
# zero or undef: parsing for this event is aborted, 
# and no event is created.
# 1: indicates success, event is created and changed event
# properties are incorporated.
# any other value: treated as error message, changed event
# properties are NOT incorporated but event parsing continues.

sub parse_enrich
	my ($line, $event) = @_;

	my $confCommon = loadOmkConfTable(conf=> "opCommon", dir=> "/usr/local/omk/conf");

	my $logger = OMK::Log->new(level => $confCommon->{"omkd_log_level"} || 'info',
															path => $confCommon->{'<omk_logs>'}."/opEvents.log");

	my $OPE = OMK::opEvents->new(config => $confCommon,
                              	logprefix => "Plugin::Event_State_Example",
								log => $logger);
	$event->{Plugin_Used} = "Event_State_Example";

	return 1;


# args: at least log_name (=db collection, log_name can be: events, rawLogs, logArchive, or actionlog)
# and time_start/end AND/OR a set of any
# of id, node_uuid or node_name,
# type/element/details/action/archive/entry/acknowledged/escalate/priority/event_id
# to select events
# arg sort: mongo sort criteria
# arg limit: return only N records at the most
# arg skip: skip N records at the beginning. index N in the result set is at 0 in the response
# arg paginate: sets the pagination mode, in which case the result array is fudged up sparsely to
# return 'complete' result elements without limit! - a dummy element is inserted at the 'complete' end,
# but only 0..limit are populated

In this example we are getting an event by its ID


Code Block
'_id' => $arg{id},
'time' => { '$gte' => $time_start, '$lt' => $time_end },
'event' => $arg{event},
'node_uuid' => $arg{node_uuid},
'type' => $arg{type},
'element' => $arg{element},
'details' => $arg{details},
'eventid' => $arg{event_id}, # only useful in actionlog
'action' => $arg{action}, # only useful in actionlog
'archive' => $arg{archive}, # only useful in archive log
'entry' => $arg{entry}, # only in raw log
'state' => $arg{state},
'nodeinfo.configuration.location' => {'$regex' => $arg{'nodeinfo.configuration_location'} || $arg{location}},
'' => {'$regex' => $arg{'nodeinfo.configuration_group'} || $arg{group}},
'acknowledged' => numify($arg{acknowledged}),
'escalate' => numify($arg{escalate}),
'priority' => numify($arg{priority}), });

Updating Events

# updates an event with the given details
# args: _id (for finding the event), _constraints (to disable db key munging),
# everyting else is set as record content, as-is - except "status_history", "trigger_eventids"
# status_history: optional but special: must be array and this array will be ADDED to an
# existing status_history array!
# trigger_eventids: always saved as array, and a new value is ADDED!
# buttons: always saved as array, and a new value is ADDED!
# returns undef if ok, error message otherwise (also logged)

Acknowledging an event

We can acknowledge an event by setting acknowledged => 1, and give it status history so we know who and when triggered the event to be acknowledged


Code Block
package Event_State_Example;
our $VERSION="0.0.0";

use lib "/usr/local/omk/lib";
use strict;
#use func;
use OMK::Common;
use Data::Dumper;
use OMK::opEvents;
use OMK::Log;
# arguments: the line (currently being parsed),
# and reference to the live event properties
# returns: (status-or-error)
# zero or undef: parsing for this event is aborted, 
# and no event is created.
# 1: indicates success, event is created and changed event
# properties are incorporated.
# any other value: treated as error message, changed event
# properties are NOT incorporated but event parsing continues.

sub parse_enrich
	my ($line, $event) = @_;

	my $confCommon = loadOmkConfTable(conf=> "opCommon", dir=> "/usr/local/omk/conf");

	my $logger = OMK::Log->new(level => $confCommon->{"omkd_log_level"} || 'info',
															path => $confCommon->{'<omk_logs>'}."/opEvents.log");

	my $OPE = OMK::opEvents->new(config => $confCommon,
                              	logprefix => "Plugin::Event_State_Example",
								log => $logger);
	#We can get an event with an id
	my $modelData = $OPE->getEventLogsModel(log_name => "events", id => '60516246c6c2b17094225a9c');
	my $otherEvent = $modelData->[0];

	$event->{other_event_ack} = [];
	my $thisuser = "Plugin::Event_State_Example";
	#lets get an event by name and mark them acknowledged
	#you must pass time start and end if we are looking for events and not and event by an id
	#lets ack them
	foreach my $e (@{$toBeAcknowledged}){
			my $now = time;
			my $failure = $OPE->updateEvent( "_id" => $e->{_id},
												acknowledged => 1,
											status_history => [ $now, $thisuser, "acknowledged", 1 ], );
			push @{$event->{other_event_ack}}, $e->{_id}->to_string;
			#TODO better error handling
			return if($failure);

	$event->{Plugin_Used} = "Event_State_Example";
	$event->{node} = "fulla-localhost";
	$event->{host} = "";
	$event->{other_event} = $otherEvent->{_id}->to_string;
	return 1;

Development Process for Events Plugins

opEvents is a real-time system so you need to develop the plugins with this in mind.

We cannot provide a direct command line tool to help, but we can help with a workflow for testing and developing Parser Plugins, this is also our workflow for EventActions.

For our workflow we have a script which appends an event to a file with a down event and the current time. Attached is a sample script which outputs a routing adjacency changed.

View file
nameSimulate Node Down and Node Up

In the parse plugin you can use the opEvents logging object and setting the omkd_log_level to debug you can log what is happening.
The Data::Dumper object is great at dumping Perl structures so you can see exactly what is going on.

use Data::Dumper;
$OPE->log->debug("MYParserPlugin:: Dumping structure my_structure" . Dumper($my_structure));

After checking the logs you would then send an up event.

Process is.

  • Edit plugin.
  • Restart daemon
  • Send “down” event.
  • Check opEvents log
  • Send “up” event.
  • Check opEvents log
  • Repeat as needed.