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opEvents 4.0.3

6th September 2021


  • Event Context has been updated to support realtime updates over web-sockets.

    • Preforming event actions while in realtime mode will not refresh the page to get the new data

    • Nodes Details is rendered below the Event Context and allows full length rendering of host names which would cause overflowing before.

    • The event context panel is now rendered with a JavaScript template both in realtime and non realtime. If you prefer the old template style rendering or you have made chnages to the html template you will have to enable legacy panels

      • opevents_gui_event_context_legacy_panels : "true" , you cannot set this option if you want the GUI to work in realtime mode.

  • Multiple outputs of a script can be saved to a an event. When a script output has been saved we have moved from storing this as a top level key eg script_<scriptname> to having an array of scripts script[{},{}]

    • The hash is stored as keyvalue pairs inside an array

      • _id is the id of the queued event action which stated this script operation

      • time is the completion time of the script

      • script is the name of the script

      • cmdoutput is the output of the script

      • exitcode is the code produced when the script terminated

    • If you have been using a script output in the gui, for example opevents_gui_event_context_summary_list we have retained the old method of asking for the script output.

      • If there are multiple script outputs saved from the script being run multiple times the last script will be used for display in the



      • In opevents_gui_event_context_summary_list using script.ping_node will get the cmdoutput for this script

        • Calling script.traceroute.time will get time of this script

    • If you have been accessing scripts in Event Plugins you will have to modify your code to accept an array from script and loop through the array till you haved matched the script output name you are interested in.

  • opevents_gui_current_events_priorities has had issues with keeping sorted when we changed to json configuration, we have introduced the config options

    • opevents_gui_current_events_priorities_lower & opevents_gui_current_events_priorities_upper which have superseded opevents_gui_current_events_priorities.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where the notes set for a node would not display in the event context.
