Versions Compared


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Table of Contents



We can also use the opHA cli tool to synchronise the data - and use it for another other actions: 

Code Block
Usage: act=[action to take] [options...] act=discover url_base=... username=... password=.... role=... mirror=... act=<import_peers|export_peers|list_peers> act=delete_peer {cluster_id=...|server_name=...} act=pull [data_types=X...] [peers=Y] [force=t]
	    pull data types except nodes
	    primary <-- peers

With this tool we can automate the synchronisation process with a cron job to keep all the data up to date. 

Once we have synchronise synchronised a peer we will be able to see its data from NMIS or opCharts from the Primary


opHA version 3.0.5 brings a new feature to modify the NMIS and omk configuration from the Primary server. The centralised configuration feature allows you to easily and quickly manage easy and quick a large network of multi-servers server network. 

It is important to note that once NMIS is updated from a Primary, it cannot be edited from the poller. 


We can check the peer status in the opHA Home indexpage:

opHA will check in every pull the status of the peer using the endpoint:


In the opHA synchronisation, the registry data for each product configured in the server will be send sent to the Primary. 

Each registry has a url property. In the opCharts case, it will be used to see the graphs from the poller. 


  • Check that omkd_url_base is set in the poller. 
  • opcharts_url_base and opcharts_hostname can be blank, but the key needs to be defined. 
  • Check the registry for opCharts in 
  • Check that the pull is working for that server. 
