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To configure your own Google API key, open the Maps.nmis file in /usr/local/opmantek/conf/

Find the following line and replace the defaultAPI with your own Google API KEY

'googleApiKey' => 'defaultAPI', 

Replace the defaultAPI with your own Google API KEY

Configure Map Types

To configure what map type to display, open the Maps.nmis file in /usr/local/opmantek/conf/

Find the following line under 'mapview' =>  and replace the mapType with the map type you want.

'mapTypeId' => 'mapType', 

Replace the mapType with the map type you want.

The Follow map types can be used


Find the following lines under 'mapview' =>



mapCentre' => 'X, Y',
    'mapZoom' => 'zoomLevel',

  and replace the X,Y and zoomLevel with the value you want.

Configure Centres and Zoom Levels for Different Maps

To configure the default centres and  zoom levels, open the Maps.nmis file in /usr/local/opmantek/conf/

Find the following lines under 'group' =>,

    'mapCentre' => 'X, Y',
    'mapZoom' => 'zoomLevel',

To configure centres and zoom levels for individual groups


Configure Centres and Zoom Levels for Different Mapsreplace the groupName with the  replace the X,Y and zoomLevel with the value you want.