Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Field NameFunction


This name is primarily administrative and will be used to identify the chart on the Views->Home->Charts page.
Desc.A description field that will appear on the Views->Home->Charts page.
TitleThis title will appear at the top of the chart.
Time PeriodThe default time period of the chart when it is initially displayed.  Once you start typing the format and options will display.  A user may change this once the chart is selected in order to access the time period they are interested in.
Left Y-Axis TitleThis description will appear on the left side of the chart representing the scale of 'axis 0'.  When selecting the data set we well be presented with the axis option.
Right Y-Axis TitleThis description will appear on the right side of the chart represting the scale of 'axis 1' .  When selecting the data set we well be presented with the axis option.
Only Stacks in LegendNeed to define!When true only the unique stack entries found in the datasets added are shown in the legend along with each stacks last value.
SaveSelect this to save the chart.
Add DatasetSelect this to add data sets to the chart.



Data Type

Drop down menu that offers two choices, 'NMIS Dataset' or 'NMIS Graph'.
NodeA configured node.  As the user starts typing options are presented.
ResourceA drop down menu that will present available choices.
IndexA drop down menu that will present available choices.
ClassA drop down menu that will present available choices.
FieldA drop down menu that will present available choices.
Dataset TitleThe name that will appear in the legend for this resource.
Line TypeA drop down menu that will present available choices.
AxisA drop down menu that presents 0 or 1.  If 0 is selected the scale for the resource will be on the left side.  If 1 is selected the scale for the resource will be on the right side.
ColorIf left blank a color will automatically be selected.  If you wish to specify the color it must be represented with the appropriate hexadecimal number preceded with a '#' sign. can assist in finding the code for the color you would like to use.
Legend MinNeed to define!
Legend MaxNeed to define!
Legend AvgNeed to define!
Reverse AxisNeed to define!
StackNeed to define!
Dataset MultiplierWhen true the minimum value (in the current period) of the dataset will be displayed in the legend below the dataset key
Legend MaxWhen true the maximum value (in the current period) of the dataset will be displayed in the legend below the dataset key
Legend AvgWhen true the average value (in the current period) of the dataset will be displayed in the legend below the dataset key
Reverse AxisWhen true the dataset values will be multiplied by -1 before being displayed so they will appear below the X axis, this is useful when displaying input/output data on the same graph.
StackUsed to group datasets together and display them on top of each other so their values appear to add in the graph. This can be any string, all datasets with the same string will be stacked together. Only works when the line type is area.
SuffixText to display after the value in the tooltip, eg " bytes"
DecimalsThe number of decimal places to display the value with in the tooltip
Dataset MultiplierEach value in the data will be multiplied by this value before being displayed. This is useful for changing the unit or base of the value. Eg, if the value is in bytes and you would like to display bits set this to 8. If the value is in bytes and you would like to display in megabytes then set this to 1/(1024*1024) or 0.000000953674316