Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
// VERSION=1.8.0                                  // VERSION=1.8.0
[                                                 [
  { "name": "node_name",                            { "name": "node_name",
    "label": "Name",                                  "label": "Name",
    "cell": "NodeLinkCell",                           "cell": "NodeLinkCell",
    "renderable": 1,                                  "renderable": 1,
    "comment": "must be present for NodeLinkCell      "comment": "must be present for NodeLinkCell
  },                                                },
  { "name": "",     { "name": "",            { "name": "",
    "label": "Host",                                  "label": "Host",
    "cell": "String"                                  "cell": "String"
  },                                  },     {         },
    {                                               { "name": "node_summary.nodestatunodestatus",
    "name": "",                                       "label": "Node Status",
    "label": "Links",                   "cell": "NodeStatusCell"       "       "cell": "NodeStatusCell"
    "cell": "UriButtonGroup",                       },
    "links": [                                      { "name": "",
      { "name": "remote_connection_details.url",      "label": "Country",
      { "name": "custom_context_detdetails.url", "la     "cell": "String"
    ],                                              },
    "sort": false,                                  { "name": "",
    "button_group_class": "btn-group btn-grougroup-xs     "label": "Group",
  },                                     "cell": "String"   { "name": "node_summary.nodestatu   },     "labelcell": "Node Status",        String"
  { "name": "node_summary.nodeTypenodestatus",     "cell": "NodeStatusCell"         },
    "label": "Node TypeStatus",   },                      { "name": "node_summary.nodeType",
     "cell": "NodeStatusCell"       "cell": "String"        { "name": "",    },     "label": "GroupNode Type",
  },              { "name": "configuration.roleType     "cell": "String"                    "label": "Role",   },    "cell": "String"
  { "name": "",                  },
       "celllabel": "StringGroup",   { "name": "node_summary.nodeType"   },     "label": "Node Type",                { "name": "node_summary.nodeVendoconfiguration.roleType",
    "cell": "String"                                  "label": "VendorRole",
  },                                                  "cell": "String"
  { "name": "configuration.roleTypenode_summary.nodeType",    },     "label": "Role",       },
    "label": "Node Type",                           { "name": "node_summary.sysLocatinodeVendor",
    "cell": "String"                                  "label": "LocationVendor",
  },                                     "cell": "String"            { "namecell": "node_summary.nodeVendoString"
    "label{ "name": "Vendorconfiguration.roleType",               },
   { "namelabel": "node_summary8.healthRole",     "cell": "String"                      "label     { "name": "Healthnode_summary.sysLocation",
   }, "cell": "String"                                  "celllabel": "ColouredByLevelCellLocation",
  }, { "name": "node_summary.sysLocati     "levels": [ "green", 100, "yell     "label": "Location",              },     "cell": "String"              "cell": "String"
   { "name": "node_summary.lastUpdatnodeVendor",         },     },
    "label": "Vendor",                         "label": "Last Update",   { "name": "",
    "cell": "String",         "label": "Health",                  "formatter": "UnixTimeFormatter     "celllabel": "ColouredByLevelCellHealth",
  }, }     "levels": [ "green", 100, "yell ]   },   { "name": "node_summary.lastUpdat     "label": "Last Update",                          "cell": "StringColouredByLevelCell",
  {  "formattername": "UnixTimeFormatter
  }"node_summary.sysLocation",               "levels": [ "green", 100, "yellow", 99, "oran
    "label": "Location",                            },
    "cell": "String"                                { "name": "node_summary.lastUpdateSec",
  },                                                  "label": "Last Update",
  { "name": "",                   "cell": "String",
    "label": "Health",                                "formatter": "UnixTimeFormatter"
    "cell": "ColouredByLevelCell",                  }
    "levels": [ "green", 100, "yellow", 99, "oran ]
  { "name": "node_summary.lastUpdateSec",         
    "label": "Last Update",                       
    "cell": "String",                             
    "formatter": "UnixTimeFormatter"              



It is not necessary to restart any daemons.  After editing the associated json file simply load (or reload) the view in question. 
