Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.


The properties request modifier tells opCore which properties you would like listed, query limits the requested resources to only those that match all criteria given. This collection can paginated, it is also limited to 25 results by default (this could be subject to change in future opCharts versions) use the limit query parameter to request more nodes

Not all requests will use all request modifiers. Arrays / KVP's are url encoded JSON. E.G.  javascript: urlencode(JSON.stringify(array)); perl: URI::Escape::uri_escape(encode_json($array));

Query ParameterPossible Values

Array of property names. If provided only the properties specified will be returned (instead of the whole document.

eg: properties=["configuration.customer", ""]

By default the nodes UUID is returned by default if no properties are given


Array of key=value pairs, but coded in an array. Applied to the list of results in the order they are given. If an application key is provided that will be applied first.

eg: filter=["","NMIS8","": "reachable"] (which is ""="NMIS8" AND ""="reachable" )

count(int) 0 or 1, if set to 1 the results are returned paged including the link to the next paged document and the total results for the requested collection
page(int) Which page of the requested document to returned
limit(int) How many results are returned, defaults to 25

Examples of how to use the request modifiers can be found in the response blocks below.  In general, the queries will look something like this: 


opCore provides access to all known nodes in the system. Nodes can be listed or viewed individually.


Is assigned by NMIS, it will be in this form:

"uuid": "C1135FBE-9AE1-11E4-A17D-1794FCA8A343"

Index (List)

GET /nodes/

Retrieves a list of all node id's/names (limited to 25 use use limit param to requst more), returns them as an an array with the key nodes.  Accepts all modifiers.  If property modifier is set, the results will be an array of objects (hashes) with the properties requested found inside the object (hash).  This request will always return the node_iduuid, along with any other info listed in properties.


Code Block
# no properties or query requested, limited to 25 nodes
# GET /omk/opCharts/v2/nodes/
    "nodes": [
            "uuid": "44406ddf-8424-4f01-8314-9606911e5a05"
            "uuid": "7949befd-c70e-4921-ad52-ced66489783b"
            "uuid": "882d09cf-e0da-4153-a652-4ad1ea506d61"
            "uuid": "d89b4ade-8b6f-4df8-a7f9-e37132c64c85"
            "uuid": "fe09452b-5646-4638-acf3-aa2e4a54d277"

# Pagination page size set to 5 start at page 2
# GET /omk/opCharts/v2/nodes?limit=5&count=1&page=2
    "@nextLink": "/omk/opCharts/v2/nodes?limit=5&count=1&page=2&page=3",
    "nodes": [
            "uuid": "4c52b0f9-2144-49c9-8d4d-11ab7c9dd814"
            "uuid": "9c8ed1a9-b88a-4a53-9cd3-bf26c14d8322"
            "uuid": "bdf1706a-7694-466c-9773-70327a117af4"
            "uuid": "6c1ba844-b7c1-4854-bef1-88b0b77c6385"
            "uuid": "3f0af422-6100-4c8a-a7f4-4634c116d499"
    "total": 536

#Filtered nodes by group and current status
# GET/omk/opCharts/{{version}}/nodes?filter={"" : "DataCentre", "": "degraded" }
    "nodes": [
            "uuid": "a18b705c-db8e-4aa6-b5d4-ff637d2adbbe"
            "uuid": "1ef5e314-76ec-4f3a-84ab-f6d6f6460f86"
            "uuid": "058ef0de-e6b8-4475-8c0b-c13712242919"
            "uuid": "a97ae784-fdb1-4fcf-a516-d844dc744846"
            "uuid": "1465e2fc-d781-4c70-a9e6-52fc714b4950"
            "uuid": "987cc9cb-4c42-45db-b267-b6511003308a"
            "uuid": "3224427c-f06d-4915-ab08-902ce620aef8"
            "uuid": "3d994eb5-dcba-46de-bb90-914b5dde822f"
# properties only: properties=["name","","configuration.customer","server_name ""]
# GET /omk/opCharts/v1v2/nodes/?properties=["name","","configuration.customer","server_name ""]
    "nodes": [
		"node_id": "$UUID1",
		"name": "node_name_1",
		"server_name": "server_name"
            "configuration": {
                "active": 1,
                "customer": "Opmantek",
                "group": "NMIS9"
            "name": "master-nine-local",
            "uuid": "44406ddf-8424-4f01-8314-9606911e5a05"

# query and properties: query=["node_name","asgard"]&properties=[""]
# GET /omk/opCharts/v1/nodes/?query=["node_name","asgard"]filter={"" : "DataCentre", "": "degraded" }&properties=["configname","","configuration.customer", ""]
    "nodes": [
            "node_idconfiguration": {
       "C1135780-9AE1-11E4-A17D-1794FCA8A343"         "active": 1,
    "config            "customer": {"",
                "group": "Branches"DataCentre"
            "name": "eris",
            "uuid": }

Show (Get)

GET /nodes/#node_id
