Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This is a brief overview of the major changes between opCharts releases.


Released 25th June 2020 as General Release

(warning) This release requires updated licenses, please contact Opmantek Support to organise new licenses


All OMK configuration are now JSON, the processes to convert from NMIS configuration files to JSON is performed by the installer, click here for more details about JSON Configuration..


  • The Metrics and Health component has been extended to group by any node configuration property.
    • This is set in opCommon.nmis opcharts_metric_summarise_by, you need to define an array of hashes, with key and name
    •     {
            'key' => 'group',
            'name' => 'Group'

    • If more than one selector is defined on the top left of the Metrics and Health component a dropdown is shown to change which confiuration item the nodes are grouped by.
    • Metrics and Health gauges are now rendered in one row which are scroll-able to the right.
    • Metrics and Health links now correctly affect the nodes filter when clicked.
    • Metrics and Health is now searchable on the currently selected column.
  • New Event History component which utilizes the NMIS9 events DB
    • For this to work in opCharts you need to set keep_event_history => 'true' in NMIS9 Config.nmis
    • Consideration should be given to the volume of data on the pollers and Primary and how much event history will be kept, by default NMIS9 will keep 7 days of event history which is configured in Config.nmis/purge_event_after (7*86400), if having problems viewing event history, reduce the number of days and purge the data.
    • This component replaces the old tail log event viewer but if you want to use the old component change opcharts_db_event_history to 0 in opCommon.nmis
    • Currently websockets are not enabled, this component is set to refresh period
  • Revised Events screen to utilize the new Event History component
  • Fixed issue where adding a group to a map would cause the node selection modal to appear
  • Fixed issue where the nodes interfaces panel which shows interfaces with oper status down would fail to render
  • Fixed issue where the nodes interface component would incorrectly show certain interfaces
  • Fixed issue where the node selector on the nodes screen will fail to render if a group name is numeric
  • Fixed issue where the TopN table text would not correctly space the table contents
  • Fixed issue where a node info panel would cause a 500 if the node does not exist


Released August 22th, 2019
opCharts 4.0.7 requires NMIS 9.0.6

  • Fix TopN query error in Primary servers with lots of data from the poller servers. The error was a MongoDB::DatabaseError: operation exceeded time limit.
  • New Admin function to set many user's default dashboard:
    • ./ act=import-user-dashboard name=dashboard-name users='user1, user2, ...'

  • Fixed changing the default dashboard for a user in the GUI. 
  • NMIS button works for non local servers now: Redirects to the NMIS node poller view. 
  • GUI improvements:
    • Fixed size in NMIS button (Nodes View) and set visible as default.
    • Improve view for long group names in Metrics and Health view, not overflowing.
    • Improve the view for long names in TopN table.
  • Support for watching monitored services graphs from the poller servers in the Primary. 
  • Fixed bug that prevented hiding ssh button in node info panel where it was disabled using opcharts_gui_display_node_ssh.
  • Fixed bug that was failing to check permissions for a subnet.

opCharts 4.0.6 Beta

Released July 19th, 2019
opCharts 4.0.6 requires NMIS 9.0.4



As of opCharts 3.0.0, MongoDB is required, the installer will help you install/upgrade to the newest 3.X version.

opCharts 3.5.2

 14 April 2021.

Upgrade Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue in opCharts where a large amount MongoDB connections were created and retained.

opCharts 3.5.1

 30 March 2021.


(warning) This release requires updated licenses, please contact Opmantek Support to organise new licenses.

Bug Fixes

Fixed issue when adding neighbors to node topology.


Released May 5th, 2020
opCharts 3.3.8 requires NMIS 8.6.2G

Bug Fixes

This release fixes a caching issue which caused high disk load when "nmisx_db_cache_enable" is set to true.


  • Refreshed login screen for all OMK applications
  • Improved node searching speed, set nmisx_db_cache_enable => 1 in opCommon to take advantage of this.
  • Chart editor now supports negative number in the multiply field
  • Stacked charts can now display min/max/avg values for the sum of the stack
  • Caching of subnets has been improved to decrease the risk of the file being locked when it needs to be read.
  • Updated systemd compatibility for Opmantek services, see more here.
  • Updated the logrotate script for systemd

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with update-subnet-dependancy
  • opCore Node editor was setting the wrong key for collect_snmp
  • Node editor logs the current user in the audit.log when node config is changed
  • Fixed issue where the failure flash message was not displayed
  • Fixed issue where monitored service graphs had no date-time value


  • Newly created maps now use the nodes UUID, this allows maps to be created which will not degrade over time when nodes names are changed.

    • Maps created with opCharts-3.3.4 and below still use the nodes name as its ID, any changes or additions to these older maps will continue using the node name

  • Nodes are now sortable by health

  • Metrics and Health now shows the status metric

  • Nodes view now uses case insensitive regex for searching.

  • Changed the colours of the link between the nodes based in the input and output utilisation: 

    • < 30 = green, 

    • >=30 <75 = yellow, 

    • >=75 <100 = orange, 

    • >=100 = red

    • If the utilisation information is not available, the colour will be based in the status:

      • Green: up 

      • Red: Down

      • Grey: Unknown

    • This colour guide can be changed in the configuration, with the following configuration items:

      • 'opcharts_map_link_color_ok' => '#59cf59',

      • 'opcharts_map_link_color_normal' => '#ffd700',

      • 'opcharts_map_link_color_warn' => '#ffa500',

      • 'opcharts_map_link_color_error' => '#d9534f',

      • 'opcharts_map_link_color_up' => '#00FF00',

      • 'opcharts_map_link_color_down' => '#FF0000',

      • 'opcharts_map_link_color_uk' => '#999'

  •  Updated opCharts interface plugin, This is now run after every node update.

  •  New commands added to opcharts-cli to update the subnet dependencies: 

    • act=clear-all-node-depend: Clear all the nodes dependencies

    • act=update-subnet-dependancy: Update all the nodes subnet dependencies

    • New configuration items have been added:

    • 'opcharts_subnet_skip' => 'qr/(^127\.0\.0|^169.254\.|^192.168\.)/',

    • 'opcharts_router_names' => 'qr/^RTR/';

    • 'opcharts_router_skip' => 'qr/-router1$/'

  • Added search box to interfaces in business service.
  • Updated the opCharts.init.d service

Bug Fixes

  • opCore node location editor now correctly renders the delete modal
  • Expanded Menu drop downs are now clickable on mobile
  • Fixed issue where sorting multiple times in quick succession or any page other than 1 will cause the sorting to produce unexpected results
  • Fixed issue where custom group status in the panel would always show unreachable
  • Fixed Opmantek grid to filter results when the mode is in client
  • Fixed bin/patch_config that was failing under certain values
  • Fixed alert banner not displaying in the correct position


Released April 11, 2019
opCharts 3.3.4 requires NMIS 8.6.2G

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Issue where bulk updating nodes would force the updated node property collect to false.
  • Fixed issue where a dashboard component on initialization failure would stop the rest of the dashboard from rendering.


Released Feb 14, 2019
opCharts 3.3.3 requires NMIS 8.6.2G

Bug Fixes

  • Library dependency issues
  • Various bug fixes
