Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


It is essential that you  choose sudo for this question, not the default local::lib.

Initial NMIS Test.



When the installer has completed its work you should be set to start using NMIS. As an initial check of NMIS you should likely try the command line tool "nmis-cli" and then the NMIS web GUI:

Code Block
cd /usr/local/nmis9/
sudo ./bin/nmis-cli act=schedule job.type=selftest job.force=1

Output similar to:
[root@omk-vm9-centos7 nmis9]# ./bin/nmis-cli act=schedule job.type=selftest job.force=1
Job 602d1b6596c8066f7f538765 created for type selftest.

Validate Job:
**selftest was run and then we checked for active jobs with the "act=list-schedules" and it will report active items**
[root@omk-vm9-centos7 nmis9]# ./bin/nmis-cli act=list-schedules
Active Jobs:
Id                        When                      Status                                          What                Parameters
602d1b6596c8066f7f538765  Wed Feb 17 13:34:29 2021  In Progress since Wed Feb 17 13:34:33 2021      selftest            

Queued Jobs:
Id                        When                      Priority    What                Parameters
No queued jobs at this time.

Automatic Schedule:
Operation                     Frequency
Escalations                   1m30s
Metrics Computation           2m
Configuration Backup          1d
Old File Purging              1h
Database Cleanup              1d
Selftest                      15m
File Permission Test          2h
[root@omk-vm9-centos7 nmis9]# ./bin/nmis-cli act=list-schedules
No activities scheduled or in-progress.

Automatic Schedule:
Operation                     Frequency
Escalations                   1m30s
Metrics Computation           2m
Configuration Backup          1d
Old File Purging              1h
Database Cleanup              1d
Selftest                      15m
File Permission Test          2h
[root@omk-vm9-centos7 nmis9]# date
Wed Feb 17 13:35:19 UTC 2021

This command below will do a quick check of directory and file existence as well as ownership and permissions.

Code Block
cd /usr/local/nmis9/
sudo ./bin/nmis-cli act=fixperms

Now, fire up your favourite Web browser and surf to your server. The primary url for NMIS is http://<yourhostname-or-ip>/nmis9/, and that page shows both a link to the  NMIS dashboard and the  online NMIS documentation.
