Access to the internet to pull the latest container image
Docker Engine (20.10.0 or newer)
Apache2 with required modules (if using reverse proxy):
SSL certificates (if using HTTPS)
A Valid UUID for the cluster_id. This can be generated on any linux OS with “uuidgen”
Minimum Requirements
*please note these are a bare minimum, and resource requirements for production environments will depend upon the number of nodes being monitored
RAM: 2GB dedicated for the NMIS container
1GB for container image (840MB image size + buffer)
Additional storage for logs and data (recommend minimum 10GB)
Network: Active internet connection for pulling images and updates
Additional Requirements for Full Stack (Docker Compose)
MongoDB Container:
Additional 1GB RAM minimum
10GB storage for database files
Total system RAM: 4GB minimum
Method 1: Quick Start (Single Container)