Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The internal libraries had been refactored. 

Now, almost all of them, have been moved under NMISNGImage Added

The basic structure: 

  • lib/Compat: Legacy files to keep compatibility with some system functions. 
  • lib/NMISNG: All the domain entities, like Nodes, Events or inventory objects. 
  • lib/Notify: All the notification methods.
  • lib/ The main module that have access to all the other objects and instantiates the DB access. Instantiate this object carefully: If we create an object without reusing it we could have connection leak issues. 

Some replacements in NMIS 8

  • use NMIS; → Replaced by use NMISNG;
  • use func; → Replaced by use NMISNG::Util; 


As the new data backend has been moved from NMIS files to the mongo database, so the node information access is different. 

Here you can find a guide about the main structures and how to replace them: 

Sys::ndinfo  has been replaced by  Sys::nmisng_node  and  Node::nmisng_node  can be accessed directly rather than accessing  Sys::nmisng_node

  • Sys::ndinfo->{system}  becomes hash returned by  Node::configuration()
    • Node::Configuration()->{roleType}  replaces  NMIS::loadLocalNodeTable()>{<a_node_name>} {role} 
    • Be warned that  Sys::ndinfo->{system}  key values often carry the strings "true" and "false" for boolean whereas  Node::configuration() returns hash key values will carry 0 and 1 for boolean.
      • Therefore one should always use Common::getBool() to evaluate key values.
    • Furthermore,  Node::configuration()  returns a clone copy each call, therefore it is advisable to set a variable if re-used:
  • Sys::ndinfo->{status}  becomes  Node::get_status_model_data()
    • NMIS8  ref(Sys::ndinfo->{status})  versus NMIS9  ref(Node::get_status_model_data)
      • NMIS8  Sys::ndinfo->{status}   was a hash of hashes, whereas
      • NMIS9  Node::get_status_model_data()   is an array of hashes.
    • NMIS8  Sys::ndinfo->{status}->{source}  is not a hashkey in  Node::get_status_model_data()
      • NMIS8  Sys::ndinfo->{status}  has entries either by 'source'  or by 'index', whereas
      • NMIS9  Node::get_status_model_data()  only has entries by 'index'
    • NMIS8 <object>->{<a_node>}->{active}  should be replaced by
      • Node::configuration→{active}
  • Sys::ndinfo->{sysUpTime}  is replaced by  Node::node_summary->{sysUpTimeSec}

Get the node

Now it is possible to get the node object using the main object nmisng. 

Code Block
my $S = NMISNG::Sys->new(nmisng => $nmisng);
my $nodeobj = $nmisng->node(name => $node);

Get the node configuration

The node configuration:

Image Added

And the node overrides: 

Image Added

Code Block
my $conf = $nodeobj->configuration;
my $overrides = $nodeobj->overrides;

Get the node model 

Code Block
$S->init(node => $nodeobj, snmp => 0);
my $mdl = $S->mdl;

Get the node catchall 

Catchall Is a part of the node inventory and this is where all the main information collected from the node is saved.

The node model, the last poll date, or the health data collected like the sysDescr or the sysLocation: 

Code Block
my $catchall_data = $S->inventory( concept => 'catchall' )->{_data};

Get the node interfaces

Code Block
my $sectionIds = $S->nmisng_node->get_inventory_ids(
					concept => "interface",
					filter => { historic => 0 });
if (@$sectionIds)
				for my $sectionId (@$sectionIds)
					my ($section, $error) = $S->nmisng_node->inventory(_id => $sectionId);
					if ($error)
						print "Failed to get inventory $sectionId: $error \n";
					my $interface = $section->data();

Get the node inventory 

Code Block

			my $sectionIds = $S->nmisng_node->get_inventory_ids(
					concept => $concept,
					filter => { historic => 0 });
			if (@$sectionIds)
				for my $sectionId (@$sectionIds)
					my ($section, $error) = $S->nmisng_node->inventory(_id => $sectionId);
					if ($error)
						print "Failed to get inventory $sectionId: $error \n";
					my $data = $section->data();


  • You can download and run the complete example
    View file
    • Place it /usr/local/nmis9/admin
    • Run with: 
Code Block
/usr/local/nmis9/admin/ act=show_node node=asgard what=ALL concept=addressTable

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