Code Block |
/usr/local/omk/bin/opconfig-cli.pl act=create_compliance_report file=/tmp/ciscocompliance-nsa_compliancereport.csv node='the-node-name'_node_name |
Optional: You can also specify a time period for the report by adding (for example) time=now - 5 hours
to the above command.
Automated Purging of old Compliance Reports
This example command will remove all compliance outputs older than 23 days.
Integration with opEvents
opConfig also has the ability to raise compliance events with opEvents for managed devices.
This is done by configuring the following value in /usr/local/omk/conf/opCommon.json (by default it is set to false):
Code Block |
"opconfig_raise_compliance_events" : "true", |
You can also configure the level of the raised compliance event (by default it is set to Minor, but you can also configure as Major or Normal):
Code Block |
"opconfig_raise_compliance_events_level" : "Minor", |