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To change these using the GUI in Open-AudIT navigate to menu -> Admin -> Configuration -> All

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Code Block
| access_token_count                   | 20                                        | number | Allow this many access tokens to be stored in the cookie.                                                                                             |
| valueaccess_token_enable                  | y                  | type   | description                  | bool   | Should we enable access tokens for CSRF mitigation.                                                                                                   |
| access_token_count| blessed_subnets_use                  | y                                         | bool   | Should we only accept data from the blessed subnets list.                                                                  | 10                          |
| collector_check_minutes            | number | 5 Allow this many access tokens to be stored in the cookie.                              | number | The default check interval for collectors.                                            | | access_token_enable                | y                                         | bool   |
Should we enable access tokens for CSRF mitigation.| create_change_log                    | y                                         | bool   | Should Open-AudIT create an entry in the change log table if a change is detected.             | | blessed_subnets_use                | y                                         | bool
  | Should we only accept data from the blessed subnets list.create_change_log_bios               | y                                         | bool   | Should Open-AudIT create an entry in the change log table if a change is detected in the bios table.           | | collector_check_minutes            | 15                        |
| create_change_log_disk              | number | They default check interval for collectors.                                    | bool   | Should Open-AudIT create an entry in the change log table if a change is detected in the disk table.                                                  |
| databasecreate_showchange_row_limitlog_dns                | 1000y                                       | number | Thebool limit of rows| to show, rather than download when exporting a database table.         Should Open-AudIT create an entry in the change log table if a change is detected in the dns table.                                                   |
| defaultcreate_change_networklog_addressfile            |   |   y                                     | text   | Thebool ip address or| resolvable hostname used by external devices to talk to Should Open-AudIT. create an entry in the change log table if a change is detected in the file table.                                                  |
| delete_noncurrent create_change_log_ip                 | ny                                         | bool   | Should weOpen-AudIT deletecreate anyan attributesentry thatin arethe notchange presentlog whentable weif audit a device.change is detected in the ip table.                                                    |
| create_change_log_log    | | delete_noncurrent_netstat          | y                                         | bool   | Should weOpen-AudIT storecreate non-currentan netstatentry datain and generatethe change logs.log table if a change is detected in the log table.                                                   |
| create_change_log_memory          | | delete_noncurrent_variable         | y                                         | bool   | Should we store non-current environment variable data and generateOpen-AudIT create an entry in the change logs.log table if a change is detected in the memory   table.                                                |
| discoverycreate_change_createlog_alertsmodule             | y                                         | bool   | Should Open-AudIT create an entry in the change alertlog table if a change is detected. in the module table.                                                |
| create_change_log_monitor        | | discovery_ip_exclude  | y            |                             | bool   | Should Open-AudIT create an entry in the change log |table textif a change |is Populatedetected thisin listthe withmonitor iptable. addresses to be excluded from discovery. IPs should be separated by a space.                                    |
| discoverycreate_linuxchange_scriptlog_directorymotherboad   | /tmp/     | y                               | text   | The directory the script is copied| intobool on the target| device.Should Open-AudIT create an entry in the change log table if a change is detected in the motherboard table.                                           |
| create_change_log_netstat            | y  | | discovery_linux_script_permissions | 700                                   | bool   | textShould Open-AudIT create |an Theentry permissionsin setthe onchange the script when itlog table if a change is copieddetected toin the targetnetstat devicetable.                                                   |
| discoverycreate_change_linuxlog_use_sudo   netstat_dynamic        | yn                                         | bool   | WhenShould runningOpen-AudIT discoverycreate commandsan onentry ain Linuxthe target,change shouldlog wetable useif sudo.a change is detected in the netstat table and the port is 49152 or greater.              |
| create_change_log_netstat_registered | n                                     | | discovery_use_dns  | bool   | Should Open-AudIT create an entry in the change log table if |a ychange is detected in the netstat table and the port is in the range of 1024 to 49151. |
| create_change_log_netstat_well_known | y                   | bool   | Should we use DNS for looking up the hostname and domain.       | bool   | Should Open-AudIT create an entry in the change log table if a change is detected in the netstat table and the port is 1023 or lower.                 |
| create_change_log_network            | y             | | discovery_use_ipmi                 | y        | bool   | Should Open-AudIT create an entry in the change log table if a change is detected in the network table.          | bool   | Should we use ipmitool for discovering management ports if ipmitool is installed.                     |
| create_change_log_nmap               | y                   | | display_version                    | 2.2.2bool   | Should Open-AudIT create an entry in the change log table if a change is detected in the nmap table.               | text   | The version shown on the web pages.                        |
| create_change_log_optical            | y                                         | bool   | Should Open-AudIT create an entry in the change log table if a change is detected in the optical table. | | download_reports                   | download                        |
  | create_change_log_pagefile       | text   | Tellsy Open-AudIT to advise the browser to download as a file or display the csv, xml, json reports. Valid values are download and display. | | graph_days               | bool   | Should Open-AudIT create an entry |in 30the change log table if a change is detected in the pagefile table.                            | number | The number of days to report on for the Enterprise graphs.     |
| create_change_log_partition          | y                                         | bool   | Should Open-AudIT create an entry in the change log table if a change is detected in the |partition | gui_trim_characterstable.                 | 25                           |
| create_change_log_policy           | number | y When showing a table of information in the web GUI, replace characters greater than this with "...".                        | bool   | Should Open-AudIT create an entry in the change log table |if |a homepagechange is detected in the policy table.                     | groups                          |
| create_change_log_print_queue        | texty   | Any links to the default page should be directed to this endpoint.                          | bool   | Should Open-AudIT create an entry in the change log table if a change is detected in the print_queue table.                        | | internal_version                 |
 | 20180620create_change_log_processor          | y                       | number | The internal numerical version.            | bool   | Should Open-AudIT create an entry in the change log table if a change is detected in the processor table.                                             |
| create_change_log_route              | y           | | log_level                          | 5 | bool   | Should Open-AudIT create an entry in the change log table if a change is detected in the route table.                 | number | Tells Open-AudIT which severity of event (at least) should be logged.                   |
| create_change_log_san                | y                                | | log_retain_level_0       | bool   | Should Open-AudIT create an entry |in 180the change log table if a change is detected in the san table.                           |   number | Tells Open-AudIT how many days to keep logs with severity 0.         |
| create_change_log_scsi               | y                                         | bool   | Should Open-AudIT create an entry in |the |change log_retain_level_1        table if a change is detected in the scsi table.          | 180                                       |
number | Tells Open-AudIT how many days to keep logs with severity 1.   | create_change_log_server             | y                                         | bool   | Should Open-AudIT create an entry in the change log table if a change is detected in the server table.            | | log_retain_level_2                 | 180                |
| create_change_log_server_item        | y            |    number | Tells Open-AudIT how many days to keep logs with severity 2.             | bool   | Should Open-AudIT create an entry in the change log table if a change is detected in the server_item table.                                           |
| logcreate_retainchange_levellog_3service            |  y   | 180                                     | bool | number | TellsShould Open-AudIT howcreate manyan daysentry toin keepthe logschange withlog severitytable 3.if a change is detected in the service table.                                               |
| create_change_log_share              | y       | | log_retain_level_4                 | 180              | bool   | Should Open-AudIT create an entry in the change log table if a change is detected in the share table.  | number | Tells Open-AudIT how many days to keep logs with severity 4.                                  |
| create_change_log_software           | y                               | | log_retain_level_5        | bool   | Should Open-AudIT create an |entry 90in the change log table if a change is detected in the software table.                           | number | Tells Open-AudIT how many days to keep logs with severity 5.      |
| create_change_log_software_key       | y                                         | bool   | Should Open-AudIT create an entry in the change log table if a change is detected in the |
| log_retain_level_6software_key table.                  | 30                       |
| create_change_log_sound              | |y number | Tells Open-AudIT how many days to keep logs with severity 6.                            | bool   | Should Open-AudIT create an entry in the change log table if a change is detected in the sound table.                            | | log_retain_level_7                 | 7 |
| create_change_log_task               | y                      | number | Tells Open-AudIT how many days to keep logs with severity 7.      | bool   | Should Open-AudIT create an entry in the change log table if a change is detected in the task table.                                                  |
| mapscreate_change_apilog_keyuser               | y       | AIzaSyAhAUqssRASeC0Pfyx1TW1DXRmboG5bdG0   | text   | The API key for Google Maps.                    | bool   | Should Open-AudIT create an entry in the change log table if a change is detected in the user table.                                                  |
| create_change_log_user_group         | y      | | maps_url                           | /omk/open-audit/map     | bool   | Should Open-AudIT create an entry in the change log table if a change |is textdetected in the | The web server address of opMaps.user_group table.                                            |
| create_change_log_variable           | n                                         | bool   | Should Open-AudIT create an entry in the |change |log match_dbustable if a change is detected in the variable table.                | n                             |
| create_change_log_video          | bool   | y Should   we match a device based on its dbus id.                             | bool   | Should Open-AudIT create an entry in the change log table if a change is detected in the video table.                                         | | match_fqdn      |
| create_change_log_vm                 | y                                         | bool   | Should weOpen-AudIT matchcreate aan deviceentry basedin onthe itschange fqdn.log table if a change is detected in the vm table.                                                    |
| create_change_log_windows            | y                   |
| match_hostname                     | ybool   | Should Open-AudIT create an entry in the change log table if a change is detected in the windows table.                   | bool   | Should we match a device based only on its hostname.              |
| database_show_row_limit              | 1000                                                       | number | | match_hostname_dbus                | yThe limit of rows to show, rather than download when exporting a database table.                                             | bool   | Should we match a device based on its hostname and dbus id.         |
| decrypt_credentials                  | y                                         | bool   | When we display or |export | match_hostname_serial   credentials, should we decrypt them.           | y                                         | bool   | Should we match a device based on its hostname and serial.                    |
| default_network_address              |             | text   | The URL used by external devices to talk to Open-AudIT.                 | | match_hostname_uuid                | y                                         | bool   | Should we match a device based on its hostname and UUID.   |
| delete_noncurrent                    | n                                         | bool   | Should we delete all non-current data.      | | match_ip                           | n                                         | bool   | Should we match a device based on its ip.                      |
| delete_noncurrent_bios               | n                                         | bool   | Should we delete non-current bios data.       | | match_mac                          | n                                         | bool   | Should we match a device based on its mac address.                    |
| delete_noncurrent_disk               | n                                         | bool   | Should we delete non-current disk |data. | match_mac_vmware                   | n                                         | bool   | Should we match a device based mac address even if it's a known likely duplicate from VMware.                            |
| delete_noncurrent_dns                | |n match_serial                       | y                | bool   | Should we delete non-current dns data.               | bool   | Should we match a device based on its serial number.                                                                                       |
| matchdelete_serial_type   noncurrent_file               | yn                                         | bool   | Should we matchdelete anon-current devicefile baseddata. on its serial and type.                                                                                     | | match_uuid                   |
| delete_noncurrent_ip    | y            | n                            |              | bool   | Should we match a device based on its UUID.delete non-current ip data.                                                                                                     | | modules          |
| delete_noncurrent_log                |  n                                         | textbool   | TheShould listwe ofdelete installednon-current Opmanteklog modulesdata.                                                                                                    | | nmis          |
   | delete_noncurrent_memory                 | n                                         | bool   | EnableShould importwe /delete exportnon-current tomemory NMIS functionsdata.                                                                                                  | | nmis_url         |
    | delete_noncurrent_module             | n                                          | textbool   | TheShould webwe serverdelete addressnon-current ofmodule NMISdata.                                                                                                             |
| oaedelete_noncurrent_licensemonitor            | n           |                              | bool   | Should we delete non-current monitor  data.  | text   | License status of Open-AudIT Enterprise.                                                                                                   |
| oae_productdelete_noncurrent_motherboard        | n                 | Open-AudIT Community                      | textbool   | TheShould namewe ofdelete thenon-current installedmotherboard commercialdata. application.                                                                                          | | oae_prompt           |
| delete_noncurrent_netstat            | y 2015-06-01                                | date   | Prompt to activate a| licensebool for Open-AudIT Enterprise.| Should we delete non-current netstat data.                                                                              | | oae_url                            |
/omk/open-audit | delete_noncurrent_network            | n             | text   | The web server address of Open-AudIT Enterprise.                 | bool   | Should we delete non-current network data.                                                                | | output_escape_csv                  | y                       |
| delete_noncurrent_nmap                | booln   | Escape CSV output so Excel will not attempt to run contents.                           | bool   | Should we delete non-current nmap data.                                          | | page_size                          | 1000                                      | number |
The default limit of rows to retrieve.| delete_noncurrent_optical            | n                                         | bool   | Should we delete non-current optical data.                                          | | process_netstat_windows_dns        | n                                         | bool   | Should we keep track of Windows netstat ports used by|
DNS above port 1000.| delete_noncurrent_pagefile           | n                                         | bool   | Should we delete non-current pagefile data.    | | rss_enable                         | y                                         | bool   | Enable the RSS feed.                          |
| delete_noncurrent_partition          | n                                         | bool   | Should we delete non-current partition data.                             | | rss_url                            | | text   | The RSS feed URL.                                     |
| delete_noncurrent_policy             | n                                         | bool   | Should we delete non-current policy data.                  | | servers                            |                                           | text   | The servers to report to when using Agent / Collector / Server.  |
| delete_noncurrent_print_queue        | n                                         | bool   | Should we delete non-current print_queue data.            | | server_ip                          |                                           | text   | The locally detected IP Addresses of this server.           |
| delete_noncurrent_processor          | n                                         | bool   | Should we delete non-current processor data.                                                                          | | uuid                              |
| delete_noncurrent_route              | n                           | text              | bool The  unique| identfierShould ofwe thisdelete Opennon-AudITcurrent route serverdata.                                                                                            |
+------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+                  |
| delete_noncurrent_san                | n                                         | bool   | Should we delete non-current san data.                                                                                                                |
| delete_noncurrent_scsi               | n                                         | bool   | Should we delete non-current scsi data.                                                                                                               |
| delete_noncurrent_server             | n                                         | bool   | Should we delete non-current server data.                                                                                                             |
| delete_noncurrent_server_item        | n                                         | bool   | Should we delete non-current server_item data.                                                                                                        |
| delete_noncurrent_service            | n                                         | bool   | Should we delete non-current service data.                                                                                                            |
| delete_noncurrent_share              | n                                         | bool   | Should we delete non-current share data.                                                                                                              |
| delete_noncurrent_software           | n                                         | bool   | Should we delete non-current software data.                                                                                                           |
| delete_noncurrent_software_key       | n                                         | bool   | Should we delete non-current software_key data.                                                                                                       |
| delete_noncurrent_sound              | n                                         | bool   | Should we delete non-current sound data.                                                                                                              |
| delete_noncurrent_task               | n                                         | bool   | Should we delete non-current task data.                                                                                                               |
| delete_noncurrent_user               | n                                         | bool   | Should we delete non-current user data.                                                                                                               |
| delete_noncurrent_user_group         | n                                         | bool   | Should we delete non-current user_group data.                                                                                                         |
| delete_noncurrent_variable           | y                                         | bool   | Should we delete non-current variable data.                                                                                                           |
| delete_noncurrent_video              | n                                         | bool   | Should we delete non-current video data.                                                                                                              |
| delete_noncurrent_vm                 | n                                         | bool   | Should we delete non-current vm data.                                                                                                                 |
| delete_noncurrent_windows            | n                                         | bool   | Should we delete non-current windows data.                                                                                                            |
| device_auto_delete                   | n                                         | bool   | Should we delete the device data completely from the database when the device status is set to Deleted.                                               |
| discovery_default_scan_option        | 1                                         | number | The default discovery options for Nmap.                                                                                                               |
| discovery_ip_exclude                 |                                           | text   | Populate this list with ip addresses to be excluded from discovery. IPs should be separated by a space.                                               |
| discovery_limit                      | 20                                        | number | The maximum number of concurrent discoveries we should run.                                                                                           |
| discovery_linux_script_directory     | /tmp/                                     | text   | The directory the script is copied into on the target device.                                                                                         |
| discovery_linux_script_permissions   | 700                                       | text   | The permissions set on the script when it is copied to the target device.                                                              |
| discovery_linux_use_sudo             | y                                         | bool   | When running discovery commands on a Linux target, should we use sudo.                                                                                |
| discovery_override_nmap              | n                                         | bool   | Override the detction of Nmap to enable discoveries.                                                                                                  |
| discovery_pid                        |                                           | number | The discovery queue process pid.                                                                                                                      |
| discovery_route_retrieve_limit       | 500                                       | number | When discovering a device using SNMP, do not retrieve the route table if it contains more than this number of entries.                                |
| discovery_ssh_timeout                | 300                                       | number | Timeout duration (in seconds) when discovering a device via SSH.                                                                                      |
| discovery_sudo_path                  |                                           | text   | Optional hardcoded path to sudo executable. Comma seperated for multiple paths.                                                                       |
| discovery_sunos_use_sudo             | y                                         | bool   | When running discovery commands on a SunOS target, should we use sudo.                                                                                |
| discovery_use_dns                    | y                                         | bool   | Should we use DNS for looking up the hostname and domain.                                                                                             |
| discovery_use_ipmi                   | y                                         | bool   | Should we use ipmitool for discovering management ports if ipmitool is installed.                                                                     |
| discovery_use_vintage_service        | n                                         | bool   | On Windows, use the old way of running discovery with the Apache service account.                                                                     |
| display_version                      | 3.3.0                                     | text   | The version shown on the web pages.                                                                                                                   |
| download_reports                     | y                                         | bool   | Tells Open-AudIT to advise the browser to download as a file or display the csv, xml, json reports.                                                   |
| graph_days                           | 30                                        | number | The number of days to report on for the Enterprise graphs.                                                                                            |
| gui_trim_characters                  | 25                                        | number | When showing a table of information in the web GUI, replace characters greater than this with "...".                                                  |
| homepage                             | groups                                    | text   | Any links to the default page should be directed to this endpoint.                                                                                    |
| internal_version                     | 20191010                                  | number | The internal numerical version.                                                                                                                       |
| log_level                            | 5                                         | number | Tells Open-AudIT which severity of event (at least) should be logged.                                                                                 |
| log_retain_level_0                   | 180                                       | number | Tells Open-AudIT how many days to keep logs with severity 0.                                                                                          |
| log_retain_level_1                   | 180                                       | number | Tells Open-AudIT how many days to keep logs with severity 1.                                                                                          |
| log_retain_level_2                   | 180                                       | number | Tells Open-AudIT how many days to keep logs with severity 2.                                                                                          |
| log_retain_level_3                   | 180                                       | number | Tells Open-AudIT how many days to keep logs with severity 3.                                                                                          |
| log_retain_level_4                   | 180                                       | number | Tells Open-AudIT how many days to keep logs with severity 4.                                                                                          |
| log_retain_level_5                   | 90                                        | number | Tells Open-AudIT how many days to keep logs with severity 5.                                                                                          |
| log_retain_level_6                   | 30                                        | number | Tells Open-AudIT how many days to keep logs with severity 6.                                                                                          |
| log_retain_level_7                   | 7                                         | number | Tells Open-AudIT how many days to keep logs with severity 7.                                                                                          |
| maps_api_key                         |                                           | text   | The API key for Google Maps.                                                                                                                          |
| maps_url                             | /omk/open-audit/map                       | text   | The web server address of opMaps.                                                                                                                     |
| match_dbus                           | n                                         | bool   | Should we match a device based on its dbus id.                                                                                                        |
| match_dns_fqdn                       | n                                         | bool   | Should we match a device based on its DNS fqdn.                                                                                                       |
| match_dns_hostname                   | n                                         | bool   | Should we match a device based on its DNS hostname.                                                                                                   |
| match_fqdn                           | y                                         | bool   | Should we match a device based on its fqdn.                                                                                                           |
| match_hostname                       | y                                         | bool   | Should we match a device based only on its hostname.                                                                                                  |
| match_hostname_dbus                  | y                                         | bool   | Should we match a device based on its hostname and dbus id.                                                                                           |
| match_hostname_serial                | y                                         | bool   | Should we match a device based on its hostname and serial.                                                                                            |
| match_hostname_uuid                  | y                                         | bool   | Should we match a device based on its hostname and UUID.                                                                                              |
| match_ip                             | n                                         | bool   | Should we match a device based on its ip.                                                                                                             |
| match_ip_no_data                     | y                                         | bool   | Should we match a device based on its ip if we have an existing device with no data.                                                                  |
| match_mac                            | y                                         | bool   | Should we match a device based on its mac address.                                                                                                    |
| match_mac_vmware                     | n                                         | bool   | Should we match a device based mac address even if its a known likely duplicate from VMware.                                                          |
| match_serial                         | y                                         | bool   | Should we match a device based on its serial number.                                                                                                  |
| match_serial_type                    | y                                         | bool   | Should we match a device based on its serial and type.                                                                                                |
| match_sysname                        | y                                         | bool   | Should we match a device based only on its SNMP sysName.                                                                                              |
| match_sysname_serial                 | y                                         | bool   | Should we match a device based only on its SNMP sysName and serial.                                                                                   |
| match_uuid                           | y                                         | bool   | Should we match a device based on its UUID.                                                                                                           |
| nmis                                 | n                                         | bool   | Enable import / export to NMIS functions.                                                                                                             |
| nmis_url                             |                                           | text   | The web server address of NMIS.                                                                                                                       |
| oae_license                          |                                           | text   | License status of Open-AudIT Enterprise.                                                                                                              |
| oae_product                          |                                           | text   | The name of the installed commercial application.                                                                                                     |
| oae_prompt                           | 2001-01-01                                | date   | Prompt to activate a license for Open-AudIT Enterprise.                                                                                               |
| oae_url                              | /omk/open-audit                           | text   | The web server address of Open-AudIT Enterprise.                                                                                                      |
| output_escape_csv                    | y                                         | bool   | Escape CSV output so Excel will not attempt to run contents.                                                                                          |
| page_size                            | 1000                                      | number | The default limit of rows to retrieve.                                                                                                                |
| process_netstat_windows_dns          | n                                         | bool   | Should we keep track of Windows netstat ports used by DNS above port 1000.                                                                            |
| queue_count                          | 0                                         | number | The current number of concurrent device scans running.                                                                                                |
| queue_limit                          | 20                                        | number | The maximum number of concurrent device scans we should run.                                                                                          |
| rss_enable                           | y                                         | bool   | Enable the RSS feed.                                                                                                                                  |
| rss_url                              | | text   | The RSS feed URL.                                                                                                                                     |
| servers                              |                                           | text   | The servers to report to when using Agent / Collector / Server.                                                                                       |
| server_ip                            |                                           | text   | The locally detected IP Addresses of this server.                                                                                                     |
| uuid                                 | unique per installation                   | text   | The unique identfier of this Open-AudIT server.