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Centralised Node Management

This new feature will allow us to manage all remote nodes from the main server. 

The only thing you need to do is to access to the new System Configuration admin menu: 

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Technical details 

  • New administration menu to manage nodes. The GUI will work differently based on the server role: 
    • standalone Standalone server: Can manage local nodes. 
    • pollerPoller: Just view nodes. 
    • Primary server: Can manage local and remote nodes. This means, the Primary server can replicate the information to the remote pollers.  


There are several tools and processes to work with remotesremote nodes

ToolAccessWorking modeNotes

Admin GUI

OnlineWill sync the nodes online
CLI Tool 


BackgroundSee the documentation here
CLI Tool /usr/local/omk/bin/ act=sync-all-nodes


cron job - 5 minutes

Will review and sync all the nodes
CLI Tool/usr/local/omk/bin/ act=sync-nodeOnlineWill sync just one node
CLI Tool/usr/local/omk/bin/ act=sync-processed-nodes


cron job - 5 minutes

Will sync the nodes processed by opnode_admin
CLI Tool /usr/local/omk/bin/ act=resync_nodes peer=server-nameOnline

Will remove the nodes from the poller in the Primary

will pull the nodes from the poller


  • sync-all-nodes: Is a more robust process. Will This will check what the remote nodes have and will review what needs to be updated based on the local database, with the Primary as a source of truth. That means, if the node does not exist in the poller, it will create the node in the poller. If the node does not exist in the Primary, it will be removed from the poller. If the information is not the same (based in the last updated field), it will be updated in the poller. More This is more robust, but less efficient. It has to do a remote call to get all nodes from the pollers, and check all of the nodes one by one all the nodes. Important notes
    • If the Primary cannot get the nodes from the poller, the synchronisation will not be done. 
    • If the nodes list in the Primary for one poller is 0, the remote nodes won't be removed. As it could mean that the nodes where not correctly synchronised in the beginning, or there was an issue trying to get the Primary nodes list.
  • sync-processed-nodes: This process will update all nodes in on remote pollers based on the information updated by opnode_admin. This is a less robust process, as all the changes done outside opnode_admin won't be taken into account, but it is more effective, as it will sync just the data needed. 
  • opnode_admin: Will update the information to be processed in background - So, it is a non blocking operation. 
  • resync_nodes: In case it is necessary to pull the nodes from the poller for some reason (Discovery failed to bring initial nodes, ex).


With this new feature, opHA can set up a mirror server for a poller. The mirror server will be polling the same devices than the poller

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Here you can find a more detailed information with the roles and functionality of each one

Architecture Schema

When poller 1 is offline, the Primary will collect all the data from the Mirror 1 automatically. 

Is It is a requirement that the devices collected from the poller are the same than the mirror. 




happens when we discover a poller?

  • The first time we discover a poller, all the nodes are copied into the masterprimary. But once they have being been copied, in the synchronisations the node configuration will be send sent from the master primary to the poller. 
  • The server will be set up as a poller, so we are not gonna be able to edit the nodes from the poller. 



happens when we discover a mirror?

  • The first time we discover a mirror, it needs to be empty (Except for localhost). This is because, all nodes needs to be copied from the poller that is being mirroringmirrored
  • The nodes will be sent to the mirror, the mirror will start polling those devices, at the same time that as the poller. 
  • But the data it won't be synchronised, unless the poller is disabled/down. 
  • The server will be set up as a mirror, so we are not gonna going to be able to edit the nodes from the mirror. 
  • Every time we made make a change into the poller nodes from the masterprimary, they will be replicated into to the mirror. 





happens when we remove a poller?

We can should update the role before remove removing the poller. If not, we are not going to be able to manage the nodes. We can do this manually by setting opha_role in conf/opCommon.json and restarting the server. 

The mirror will became become the poller. 



happens when we discover a mirror?

We can update the role before remove removing the poller. If not, we are not going to be able to manage the nodes. We can do this manually by setting opha_role in conf/opCommon.json and restarting the server. 


Pulling Data



happens when you pull from a poller?

If the poller is active and responsive, we will bring the data from the poller, except for the nodes. This is made in the Sync all Nodes operation. 



happens when you pull from a mirror?

If the poller is active, we will only bring the registry and the selftest data. 


Also, a new GUI menu has been introduced to show the same data: Image Removed

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Data verification GUI:

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How to know if the data is correct? 

  • If the role is a mirror, needs to have a mirror associated. 
  • The mirror associated should exist. 
  • Mirror and poller should not be enabled "Active" at the same time. 
  • "Active" is set internally in the system and is a flag for the poller and the mirror. But does not need to be set in poller with no mirror. 
  • For mirror and poller: The active one should show the number of data, none for the other
  • The mirror doesn't have to have Nodes in the report. These nodes are counted from the primary database. But, the remote should have the same nodes that the poller has. 

opHA Configuration 

We will see a warning when just one of the properties, opha_hostname and opha_url_base, are set. Both can be unset, or with values, to have a proper configuration