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This guide will go over a few settings that will help to make your Linux environment with NMIS9 more secure and stable.

Set the OMK NMIS9 VM to run services & scripts as user with omkadmin being the owner:group of /usr/local/omk

These steps will allow omkadmin as a user and as a group able to execute OMK scripts. To do this, we will follow the steps below:

To begin, we will find files and directories in /data/omk with setUID bit set

Code Block
sudo find /data/omk -perm/+4000

Set Cronjobs

We will be sure to set all OMK cronjobs to run as the user omkadmin and not as the root user.


These guides take the user through the tasks required of providing additional Linux security to NMIS9 and it's modules.


Linux Hardening Guide - Ubuntu/RHEL