Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
# comment, ignored. columns: nodename,interface index,interface description,type name
"some node","1","FastEthernet0/0","categoryA"

Burst Billing Customer List


This is implemented again using a list file, but  with a very specific format.

In the GUI you'd select "from Burst Billing Customer List file must contain one node plus one interface plus one client number/service number plus contracted upstream plus contracted downstream in this order.
Interface can be listed by index or by interface description.


File (Upload)" and upload the file of choice.
For opreports-cli you use burst_billing_customer_list=<path to listfile>,
and for a scheduled report you would set the property burst_billing_customer_list with the value being the path to the list file.

The Burst Billing Customer List can only be in csv format:

  • Each entry must start with the node name, folllowed by an interface (ifDescr or ifIndex), a client number, contracted upstream (mbps) and contracted downstream (mbps):

    Code Block
    titleBurst Billing Customer List in csv format


  • 6781,


  • 5,


  • 45


  • 4,


  • 2


  • 20,


  • 200


  • 10


  • ,10,


  • 12345671,10,10

    Interfaces can be identified by the numeric SNMP interface index, or by the SNMP ifDescr property

Nodes and Interfaces that are part of an opCharts Business Service
