Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


    • defined application wide (not stored per user)
    • names are unique, cannot be changed after creation (because they are used to link into other places, like default dashboards
    • care should to be taken to ensure that a dashboard that is visible to a customer does not contain graphs that the customer should not see
      •  the inclusion of components in a dashboard means any user who is allowed to see and that dashboard can load those components
    • if a dashboard is deleted which is also set to a users default dashboard the user will just see the regular index page because the one picked cannot be found.


The node list displays nodes in two formats, : panel and list/tabletable (ie, list).  The default view shown is defined in the the /usr/local/omk/opCommon.nmis file: 

Code Block
'opcharts_gui_node_list_view_type' => 'table', #options: 'table' or 'panel'

Table view options

Columns displayed in the node list table view can be customized, existing columns can be removed/hidden and the order of the columns can be re-arranged.  The config item 'opcharts_gui_node_list_table_columns' defines which columns will be displayed as we as the order of the columns are displayed.

The order the columns are defined is the order they will be displayed.

Available columns:

  • All node properties in the nodesum (/usr/local/nmis8/var/nmis-nodesum.json), prefixed with node_summary.
  • All node properties in the summary8h (/usr/local/nmis8/var/nmis-summary8h.json), prefixed with node_summary8.

You may wish to refer to Config.nmis to select what fields are seen in nmis-nodesum.json through :    'node_summary_field_list' => 'uuid,host,host_addr,customer,myRole,ServerRoles,businessService,serviceStatus,snmpdown',

Column definition:

  • name - the name of the data property
  • label - the name in the header of the column, this will be localized if the translation is available
  • cell - the type of data in the cell, 'String', 'Number', 'Integer', 'Percent' are all valid. To make a column become a link to the node set to 'NodeLinkCell' on that column, eg: cell => 'NodeLinkCell'.
  • formatter - in most cases this does not need to be defined.  If the value is in epoch time set this to 'UnixTimeFormatter' to get a string date/time display.
  • renderable - set this to 0 to keep the column in the config but not show it, by default this is 1 which is to show the column

Example column entry:

Code Block
title'opcharts_gui_node_list_table_columns' example
        name=> "node_name",
        label => "Name",
        cell=> 'NodeLinkCell',
        renderable => 1,
        comment => "must be present for NodeLinkCell to work on any column, use renderable => 0 to hide"

Node info options

The node info panel is found on most node pages and shows a customisable list of node attributes. The config option 'opcharts_gui_node_summary_list' holds the list of attributes that opCharts will display in this panel.  The list can contain two types of entries, a string with the attribute name, eg. 'host' or an object/hash with the same structure as the opcharts_gui_node_list_table_columns: 

Code Block
  name => 'sysUpTimeSec',  # - name of the data attribute
  label => "Uptime",  # - label displayed beside the attribute value
  cell => "String",  # - type of data in the cell
  formatter => 'UpTime' # - how to format the value in the cell

opCharts will search in 3 places:

  1. NMIS nodesum file
  2. NMIS Nodes.nmis file
  3. NMIS "-node.json" file, in the "system" section

Configuration options exist in NMIS to get attributes into these one of these locations, see the NMIS documentation for more on this.

Remember to restart the omkd daemon after making configuration changes.

Node list performance

As of opCharts version 3.2.6 Node list performance has been improved significantly and will be noticeable on systems with higher node counts, particularly on the node list page and on and scheduled outage page.

There are two basic modes that can be run: db off and db on. db off has cache running in memory. db on uses the db for caching. When db is set to on, the nodesum files are cached into the db and filters are run against the db instead of doing the filters manually in memory. NMISx db caching is now the faster option. By default this config item is turned off, to enable this edit your opCommon.nmis file located at /usr/local/omk/conf/opCommon.nmis and set nmisx_db_cache_enable to 1. For systems with a low number of nodes, using the db may not show any performance improvement

Code Block
nmisx_db_cache_enable' => 1

There are two more configuration items that control how the cache works:

Code Block
nmisx_cache_min_age_before_refresh' => 60

This setting tells the app how long to wait before checking to see if the cache needs refreshing. In order to know if the cache needs refreshing we check the time the nodesum files are written and compare that against the time the cache was built. This is a simple optimisation. Since we access the cache quite often it gets a little expensive to check it several times a second, this prevents those checks for at least X seconds. The idea is that NMIS only writes the nodesum files at most once a minute so don’t bother looking more than that often.

Code Block
nmisx_cache_time' => 900

This setting controls how long the data will stay in the cache before it’s removed. This is only for db mode, in memory mode this will have no affect.

 Customising table views is described here:  opCharts - Customising Table Columns

Node info options

Customising node info options is described here:  opCharts - Customising Table Columns

Node list performance

See opCharts 3 Performance Tuning