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Refer to product compatibility to determine supported Operating Systems and Database Versions.

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Looking for opConfig4.X Release Notes?

Table of Contents


(warning) If you are upgrading from a version previous to 3.5.0 or greater, please read: Upgrading Opmantek Applications

opConfig 3.6.0

 13 Dec 2021


  • Added secrets randomise and secure cookies. For more information see Security Configurations
  • Updated jQuery dependencies.

opConfig 3.5.3

 14 April 2021

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue in opConfig where a large amount MongoDB connections were created and retained.

opConfig 3.5.2

RELEASED  30 March 2021

  • This version provides new authentication configurations:

    • Limit the number of sessions per user
    • Lock users that have not logged in in a specified period of time

opConfig 3.5.1

RELEASED  30 Oct 2020

  • Bugfix: When a command throws an error - For example, opConfig has no access to the node anymore - The last revision information was lost. It still persists in the database, in the collection command_output_log.  But in the GUI, the revision is shown as no data. The behaviour was modified: 
    • If there is an error with the command, a new revision is saved, indicating the last attempt and the error, even if no text output is received. 
    • If the new revision has the same result as the previous, the information will be assigned to revision 0. This is the same behaviour, but now also happens with revisions with error. 
  • Purging rules: The command purge_revisions has been modified. Now, it also removes a queue when a revision is removed, if there are not other existing jobs referencing another existing revision. Also, a new command was created, purge_queue, to remove old jobs not linked with any revision, based in the parameter 

    This parameter is 8 days by default, and is specified in seconds. You can read more about the purging data in opConfig in the next link. 

  • List queue: Now it returns only the pending jobs by default. All the jobs can be listed with all=1.

opConfig 3.5.0

RELEASED 01 Oct 2020.

Upgrade Notes

The new upcoming release of opConfig 3 will work on Opmantek's latest and fastest platform, however, the currently installed products are incompatible with this upgrade. 
To find out more about this upgrade please read: Upgrading Opmantek Applications

opConfig 3.4.0

Released 15 July 2020

  • Maintenance release.

(warning) This release requires updated licenses, please contact Opmantek Support to organise new licenses.

opConfig 3.2.4

Released 5 June 2020

  • Updates to the installer.
  • Fixed bug associated with events created by plugins.

opConfig 3.2.3

Released 14th April 2020

  • Maintenance release.

opConfig 3.2.2

Released 22th January 2020

  • Maintenance release.

opConfig 3.2.1

Released 7th June 2019


  • Improved opConfig dashboard performance
    • By default the unique commands widget is disabled enable using 'opconfig_dashboard_command_summary' in opCommon.nmis

Bug Fixes

  • Auto Command Collection jobs under virtual operator did not have a clickable name
  • Auto Command Collection virtual operator report fixed page rendering issue
  • Plugin errors will use 'Plugin Error' as type under the ops report, this was blank before

opConfig 3.2.0

Released 8th May 2019


  • New GUI
  • Virtual Operator a tool which helps create new jobs comprised of nodes and commands
    • Create a new job with nodes, command sets or tags
    • Schedule for now or later
    • Annotate with a name and description
  • Virtual Operator Report View, shows all run commands, derived data and conditions from a virtual operator job
    • Condition Troubleshooting
      • If a virtual operator job has raised conditions you can troubleshoot off this condition which creates a job with command sets filtered by this tag
      • Jobs are linked to the parent if it has been created from a conditions troubleshooting button.
    • Ops report for the current job is shown to highlight any failures with the running job
    • Derived column in the report can be expanded to show derivied data and condtiona data
  • Quick action buttons which are created in conf/table_schemas/opConfig_action-elements.json
    • Quick actions are templates for virtual operator jobs
    • You can add title, description nodes and command sets to be run, createa new virtual operator jobs with all data filled out
  • New dashboard to give an operational view of opconfig
    • quick action buttons are included on the dashboard
    • Old dashboard moved to "Changes Dashboard"
  • opconfig-cli must require root or nmis users or a user who is the member of the group nmis
  • Improved Search for Command Sets
  • New Search Screen
  • Command does not inline diff with the last revision, this is now through Compare Command Outputs
  • Support optional command exec field for command set command sections
  • Optional port for SSH under node connection options
  • GUI shows if change detection is on for the current command
  • Command view shows last 5 run commands

BugfixesBug fixes

  • Commnd Command output now correctly displays XML
  • If opevents_auto_create_nodes is true and opconfig_import_nodes_activated is false the result will be opEvents=enabled and opConfig=disabled


  • More robust handling of slow commands
    You can now configure how opConfig should react to a particular command (or command set) timing out:
    it can either terminate and reopen the connection (default) or attempt a state resynchronisation (at the cost of some extra delay).
  • Improved handling of interaction with very slow devices
    opConfig now handles complex and/or slow logins (e.g. ones with extra banners) more robustly.
  • This version of opConfig introduces "Device Presets", which allow more fine-grained control of a device's timing options.
  • Various minor bug fixes


  • This version comes with the interactive Opmantek Installer which guides you through both upgrades and initial installations.
  • opConfig no longer uses CGI scripts; instead it integrates with the Opmantek Web Server infrastructure, which provides consistency across applications and better scalability.
    opConfig now runs out of  /usr/local/omk and interoperates with all other current Opmantek Applications (ie. opExport, opEvents, opCharts, opHA 2, Open-AudIT Enterprise).
  • The GUI was revised and modernized, and both interactive response time and performance have improved substantially.
  • opConfig now provides a flexible and extensible facility for (software and configuration) Compliance Management.
  • Credential sets are now stored in encrypted form within the database.
  • opConfig now provides integration with Open-AudIT Enterprise and optionally imports complete audit information for nodes known to Open-AudIT Enterprise.
  • opConfig now interoperates better with opEvents, and node configurations are shared between the applications. Importing node information from NMIS also has been simplified.
  • User authorization (using groups) is now supported and nodes are completely invisible to users whose authorization doesn't match the nodes' groups.
  • The default command sets were reorganized and now support easier separation into different classes, e.g. hourly/daily/weekly sets of commands.
  • The functionality of the CLI tool and its builtin documentation were extended and improved.
  • opConfig now also ships with the Opmantek Support Tool.
  • Almost all configuration is now performed from within the GUI. The only remaining configuration files are the opCommon file, and the command set and compliance policy files.
    Existing credential sets and connection lists are migrated automatically on first startup.
  • Application logging was revised and overhauled.
  • opConfig now deals better with querying Unix systems for configuration.
  • And of course lots of bugs were resolved, and minor imperfections repaired.
