Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Step 2 - Now, click Details from the menu on the left under Summary. This will open the Details on the right side under the Summary panel. You should look for the Last Seen By field, depending on the version of Open-AudIT and type of device this may include NMAP, SNMP, or Audit. If it says NMAP, as the screen shot below, then a full audit has not been completed on this device. The next steps is to determine required ports are open, then if any of the supplied credential set(s) were accepted by the device.


Step 3 - Before continuing you should increase the log-level and rerun the audit on the device. This will give you in-depth debugging information that will help you determine exactly what went wrong during the audit. To adjust the log_level select Admin -> Configuration -> All from the Open-AudIT menu. Find the entry for log_level, which defaults to 5, and increase it to 7. This change will take effect immediately and detailed debug information will be captured during the next audit.

Step 4 - Now that you have adjusted the log_level to 7 and re-run an audit on the device you need to check the Discovery Log to see what happened. First, return to the Device Details screen as you did in Step 1 above. Then, select Discovery Log from the menu on the left. The discovery log, along with other logs and information open up below the Summary panel.

Image RemovedImage Added

As shown in the image above, this example is using SSH credential set. SSH is typically used on Linux devices, WMI is used by Windows machines, and SNMP is used for network devices, Linux and Windows devices. More information on credentials and configuration can be found here: Target Client Configuration. The first underline in the image above is showing that SSH Status suggesting the SSH port is open. Notice WMI Status is shown as false as well as SNMP, if a device was using those forms of credentials then the Status should be true.


If you run a discovery and, for whatever reason, Open-AudIT doesn't add the device to the database there wont be a direct way to view the Discovery log (Step 4 above). However, three there will still be entries in the discovery_log table, you'll just need to dig them out the the database to look through them. To export the discovery logs select Admin -> Database -> List Tables from the Open-Audit menu, then look for the discovery_log table. Click the blue details icon to access the table, then click Export to CSV. This shoudl should create a CSV file that can be opened in a text editor or Excel. Search for the device's IP address and look through the related entries to determine what Open-AudIT found and what decisions it made regarding the device.


Open-AudIT runs an Nmap discovery on each target IP address. Open-AudIT scans the Nmap top 1000 TCP ports, as well as UDP 62078 (Apple IOS) and UDP 161 (SNMP). For Open-AudIT to consider a target IP to have a device responding, any of the Nmap Top 1000 TCP Ports must be responding or the UDP 62078.

At this point we need to double-check the information NMAP is receiving from the device. Open a command/terminal window on the Open-AudIT server and execute this command (The -F argument is a fast scan of the first 100 ports of the device, the ip_of_device is the IP address or FQDN of the device not responding) -

nmap -F ip_of_device

Code Block
titleExample Output
[root@myserver:~]# nmap -F

Starting Nmap 7.40 ( ) at 2018-10-16 13:27 UTC
Nmap scan report for targetdevice (
Host is up (0.18s latency).
Not shown: 94 closed ports
22/tcp   open  ssh
80/tcp   open  http
111/tcp  open  rpcbind
443/tcp  open  https
514/tcp  open  shell
3306/tcp open  mysql

If the NMAP scan returns NO OPEN PORTS then the problem is configuration of the target device.

Step 7 - NMAP port scan reports all ports closed for TCP

The next test is to determine if UDP/161 (SNMP) is open. The -sU argument sets NMAP for UDP, and the -p sets scanning for port 161 only, the ip_of_device is the IP address or FQDN of the device not responding.

nmap -sU -p 161 ip_of_device

Code Block
titleTest UDP/161
[root@myserver:~](255)# nmap -sU -p 161

Starting Nmap 7.40 ( ) at 2018-10-19 13:59 UTC
Nmap scan report for targetdevice (
Host is up (0.18s latency).
161/udp open  snmp

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.55 seconds

A target that responds to UDP 161 (SNMP) only and NO other ports (TCP or UDP 62078 / 161) is not considered to be responding.


Your first step should be to check and see if the device was audited and added (or updated) in Open-AudIT. If the device was not found or updated you should check the discovery logs to determine why. To check the discovery logs in Open-AudIT navigate to menu -> Admin -> Database -> List Tables and look for discovery_log and click the blue details icon next to it. At this point export the file to CSV and you should be able to find your device entry there.

Problems with a runaway queue

If you are here from an in-application link, it is because the last discovery_log was more than 1 hour ago, but there is a count in the number of running queue items. This may mean the queue process has hung. You can restart Apache to resolve this (see below to restart Apache). Any queue items currently being processed when this is done will be deleted. Other items in the queue will wait for processing to being again (see below to start the queue).

View the number of jobs in the queue

Code Block
mysql -u openaudit -popenauditpassword openaudit -e "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM queue;" 

Delete the remaining items from the queue

Code Block
mysql -u openaudit -popenauditpassword openaudit -e "DELETE FROM queue;"

Reset the queue count

Code Block
mysql -u openaudit -popenauditpassword openaudit -e "UPDATE configuration SET value = 0 WHERE name = 'queue_count';"

Restart Apache
Restart Apache to kill the running processes (or you should be able to wait for them to complete, your call).

Code Block
sudo service httpd restart 

Start the Queue Processing

To start the queue being processed (automatically done if you execute a discovery), in a browser, call the below URL (substituting your server name).

You should only have to do this if you manually restart Apache and have items in your queue to be processed.

Code Block