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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


  • The individual performing this installation has some Linux experience.
  • NMIS8 is installed on the same server where opMaps will be installed
  • NMIS8 is installed in /usr/local/nmis8
  • opMaps will be installed into /usr/local/opmantek
  • Root access is available (not always needed but much easier)
  • Perl 5.10 10
  • RRDtool 1.4.7

Installation Steps

  • Copy the opMaps tarball to the server (a tarball is a GZIP'd tar file, e.g. opMaps-Linux-x86_64-1.34.tar.gz for 64bit Linux or opMaps-Linux-i686-1.34.tar.gz for 32bit Linux)
    1. You may need to use SCP or FTP to get the file onto the server.
  • The file will now likely be in the users home directory.
  • If the installation directory does not already exist
  • Change into the directory where the tarball was copied
  • Untar the file
Code Block
cd /usr/local
tar xvf ~/opMaps-Linux-x86_64-<version>.tar.gz
cd opmantek/
cp install/Maps.nmis confinstall/opCommon.nmis cp install/opCommonopModules.nmis conf/ 
cp install/01opmantek.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/
service httpd restart



Code Block
cp install/01opmantek.conf /etc/apache2/conf.d/
service apache2 restart


Getting a Google API Key

opMaps leverages the Google Maps API, and can optionally use a Google API Key, It is recommended to use a Google API Key if you are expecting a high volume of Google API traffic..

If you don’t already have one, please follow these steps from Google to obtain a Google API key , to stop the message about not having a Google API Key you can edit the configuration item "googleApiKeyMessage" in Maps.nmis and change to blank, e.g. 'googleApiKeyMessage' => ''

Configure Google API Key

To configure your own Google API key, open the Maps.nmis file in /usr/local/opmantek/conf/

Code Block
vi /usr/local/opmantek/conf/Maps.nmis

Find the following line under 'mapview' =>

'googleApiKey' => 'defaultAPI'

Replace the defaultAPI with your own Google API KEY

eg: 'googleApiKey' => 'AIzaSblahblahblahblah--blahwQPmscElk-8'

Alternate Installation Directory


<Directory "/usr/local/opmantek/cgi-bin"> 

Basic opMaps Configuration

There are many configuration options in opReports, but the only one which must be updated to make everything work is the configuration for "report_server_prefix", this allows the emailed reports to point to the correct web server to load their configurations, this entry is in the opReports.nmis file and should be updated to be the public web prefix of the server, which the people receiving the emails would use to access the server (this might be the portal address).

'report_server_prefix' => '',

Access opMaps Web Page

The default URL to access opMaps is

Any authentication challenges will be the same as to login to your NMIS8 system. 

Configuring opMaps

Please go to opMaps Configuration Guide