Please note, that credential sets can also be managed in the opConfig GUI or in the API.
opconfig-cli.pl act=list_credential_sets [name=Y'set name']
opconfig-cli.pl act=create_credential_set file=Y'file path.json'
opconfig-cli.pl act=update_credential_set name=Y 'set name' file=Y'file path.json'
opconfig-cli.pl act=delete_credential_sets set name=Y
'set name'
opconfig-cli.pl act=assign_credential_set name=Y 'set name' node=YnodeX
List Credential Sets
List all the credential sets in json format:
At least password, privileged password or SSH Key are required.
Update Credential Set
Create Update a new credential set with a file in json format containing the credential set information.