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NMIS supplies several tools/scripts to help you get the permissions set correctly and to check that nothing is out of place.

Basic File Permissions

Make nmis user and group own all the files. 


Code Block
This script will fix the permissions for NMIS based on the configuration /usr/local/nmis8/admin/../conf/Config.nmis
The directory to be processed is: /usr/local/nmis8
The user will be set to: nmis
The group will be set to: nmis








As described in the installation guide, the HTTP Daemon user needs to be able to read and write the NMIS files, so you need to put the owner of the HTTP Daemon, this is usually the user apache or www-data.  You can determine by running: 


Code Block
service httpd restart
Stopping httpd: [ OK ]
Starting httpd: [ OK ]
NMIS Tools and scripts provides 2 methods for checking the directory structure of nmis and ensuring that the structure is complete and has the correct permissions (based on your Config.nmis).  Running type=audit will report discrepancies between your structure and what is required, type=config will fix those errors 

Code Block
# optionally audit your config
/usr/local/nmis8/bin/ type=audit
# fix your config
/usr/local/nmis8/bin/ type=config

Additonally, the script will go through and set the permissions on each file to ensure that NMIS can access the files it requires to operate normally 

Code Block
# fix permissions 
SELinux Troubleshooting Tip

Sometimes there are things happening on Linux systems which don't make sense, many times it is because SELinux is preventing things.  You can spend alot of time getting SELinux to behave, or you can put it in permissive mode, or disable it, in the NMIS VM it has been disabled.

Much information to be found with Google, the following describes either option.
