Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • The individual performing this installation has a small bit of Linux experience.
  • Root access is available.
  • Internet access is required for installing any missing but required software packages.
  • NMIS must be installed on the same server that opHA is being installed on.
  • You will need a license for opHA ( CONTACT US for an evaluation license ).
  • opHA has to be installed onto the Master Primary and each Poller NMIS server.



Transfer the opHA tarball onto all servers in question, the Master Primary and all the pollers; either by direct download from the Opmantek website, or from your desktop with scp or sftp or a similar file transfer tool. Repeat the following steps for each involved server:

  • Become root and unpack the tarball:

    Code Block
    # become rootsudo sh#root
    sudo sh
    # if the tarball was saved in a different location, adjust the following command cdtar
    # extract the tarball
    tar xzf opHA-x86_64-2.1.0.tgz

  • Start the interactive installer and follow its instructions:

    Code Block
    sudo sh
    cd opHA-2.1.0/
    opHA (2.1.0) Installation script
    This installer will install opHA into /usr/local/omk.
    To select a different installation location please rerun the 
    installer with the -t option.

  • The installer will interactively guide you through the steps of installing opHA. Please make sure to read the on-screen prompts carefully.
  • When the installer finishes, opHA is installed into /usr/local/omk, and the default configuration files are in /usr/local/omk/conf, ready for your initial config adjustments.
  • A detailed log of the installation process is saved as /usr/local/omk/install.log, and subsequent upgrades or installations of other Opmantek products will add to that logfile.
  • For detailed information about the interactive installer please check the Opmantek Installer page.
  • a small warning: the installer may warn about two "incorrect checksum detected" for two files, if you install this version on top of the Opmantek Virtual Appliance version 8.5.6G or after other Opmantek applications that were released since opHA 2.1.1. These warnings are benign and you can safely confirm that the installer is allowed to 'overwrite' those files.


  • An opHA user and password, by default this is an Apache htpasswd file, defined in /usr/local/omk/conf/users.dat.
  • The opHA user to use for the authentication, defined per Server in /usr/local/nmis8/conf/Servers.nmis (on the master Primary if they are pulling, for the pollers if they are pushing)
  • An IP address list that defines who is allowed to connect to the daemon (depending on the operation a combination of ip address and login credentials is required)


opHA supports pollers pushing updates or masters Primaries pulling updates (or both).  If you want a poller to have the ability to push, it needs to have the servers it should push to in it's Servers.nmis file.  Conversely if you want masters Primaries to be able to pull they need to have the pollers they should pull from in their Servers.nmis file.  At this point it is good to draw yourself a diagram (if you have not already) to aid you in configuring each master Primary and poller.

In addtionaddition: each server (master Primary and poller) needs to have a localhost entry in Servers.nmis which tells the server how to log in to itself. NB: it must be 'localhost' in both the key and name portions, will not work!


  • To add new users see the documentation here for adding users to htpasswd, the htpasswd file for opHA is in /usr/local/omk/conf/
  • After you have the users configured you will need to modify /usr/local/omk/conf/opCommon.nmis, find the line "'opha_allowed_ips' => ['']
    • Pollers  do the following: add the IP addresses of the Master Primary Server(s) that are allowed to connect to the server you are configuring.
    • Master Primary Servers do the following: add the IP addresses of every Poller Server that it will manage.


For example we add them to conf/opCommon.nmis like this:

Master Primary Server opCommon.nmis setting for "opha_allowed_ips"


IMPORTANT: If the date of either of your servers is not correct you will have an error signing in

Promoting NMIS to be a



By default, an NMIS server operates in standalone mode (which is also poller mode), to have NMIS behave in a masterly Primary fashion, you will need to modify the configuration, so you can edit the NMIS Configuration item "severserver_master" using your favourite text editor, edit this line and change from "false" to "true".

Code Block
'server_master' => 'true',
'nmis_master_poll_cycle' => 'false' # this must be false 

Adding Poller Groups to



On each poller you will need to determine which groups are currently in use.


This will result in a list of groups which need to be added to the NMIS MasterPrimary, edit /usr/local/nmis8/conf/Config.nmis and add these groups to that list, this is a comma separated list.


You can also use the admin script /usr/local/nmis8/admin/ on the master Primary to find and patch all groups used by all devices imported from the pollers, it can even be added to cron to automate group updates.

Once opHA has succesfully pulled/pushed the devices from poller to master Primary you can analyse and patch the groups list by using the following.

Code Block
themeEmacs usage
# Simply list all found groups so you can add them to 'group_list' => '...'   as above
[root@opmantek ~]# /usr/local/nmis8/admin/ 
The following is the list of groups for the NMIS Config file Config.nmis
'group_list' => 'Branches,DataCenter,NMIS8,IOSXR',
## You can then simply copy this last line to replace the curren line in Config.nmis 

### Alternatively the script can automatically update the Config.nmis file's 'group_list' entry for you using the patch=true argument as follows:
/usr/local/nmis8/admin/ patch=true



Primary Group Collection

opHA supports Multi-MasterPrimary, that means you can have several masters Primaries collecting information from the same pollers if required.  This could be especially useful if you wanted to have one master Primary with all groups on a poller, and another master Primary with different groups from different pollers, effectively sharing some information between groups.


Code Block
titleFile <omk>/omk/opCommon.nmis
  'opha' => {
    'opha_transfer_files' => [
        'destination_dir' => 'var',
        'destination_file_name' => '',
        'source_dir' => 'conf',
        'source_file_name' => 'Nodes'
        'destination_dir' => 'var',
        'destination_file_name' => '',
        'source_dir' => 'var',
        'source_file_name' => 'nmis-nodesum'
        'destination_dir' => 'var',
        'destination_file_name' => '',
        'source_dir' => 'var',
        'source_file_name' => 'nmis-summary8h'
        'destination_dir' => 'var',
        'destination_file_name' => '',
        'source_dir' => 'var',
        'source_file_name' => 'nmis-summary16h'
       	'destination_dir' => 'var',
        'destination_file_name' => '',
        'source_dir' => 'var',
        'source_file_name' => 'nmis-event'

Running a


Primary Collection

There are two options to run opHA, using Cron or a as a post process after a NMIS does a collect.  Pushes and pulls can be requested from anywhere, if they are requested from the localhost no authentication is required, if they are requested from elsewhere authentication is required.


After refreshing the web pages on the NMIS Master Primary server you will see the data from the pollers.