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  • Installation


Table of Contents

Before You Begin 


  • NMIS hast to be installed on the same server that opConfig is being installed on (NMIS version >=8.5.10G).
  • The individual performing this installation has a small bit of Linux experience.
  • Root access is available.

  • Internet access is required for installing any missing but required software packages.NMIS must already be installed on the same server that opConfig is being installed on.
  • opConfig requires a working MongoDB installation (ideally but not necessarily on the same server).
  • You will need a license for opConfig (evaluation licenses are available here).
  • All licenses are added/updated at https://<hostname>/omk/opLicense .


  • If NMIS is you do not installed yetyet have a working installation of NMIS in your server, please follow the instructions procedure in the the NMIS 8 Installation Guide (up to Version 8.5.10G).
  • Download opConfig from the Opmantek website.
  • If you do not have a MongoDB installation yet, please follow the instructions in the MongoDB Installation Guide.
    opConfig does not require any specific MongoDB setup, but you will have to provide opConfig with the correct MongoDB server information, database name and user name/password (if you use authentication). opConfig works best with the default database name "nmis", and with MongoDB authentication enabled.
  • Download opConfig from the Opmantek website.

Installation Steps


  • have opConfig 1.X installed please check the upgrade guide first.

Installation Steps

As of February 2016, opConfig is distributed in a self-extracting download format that simplifies the installation process quite a bit. More information on running the installer can be found HERE: The Opmantek Installer

Transfer the opConfig installer file onto the server in question, either by direct download from the Opmantek website, or from your desktop with scp or sftp or a similar file transfer tool.

Make a record of where you put the tarball (root's home directory or /tmp are good locations).

  • Become root and unpack the tarballStart the interactive installer and follow its instructions:

    Code Block
    # become root if you aren't already
    sudo sh # if you aren't already make sure you are in the directory where the tarball was saved
    cd /root  #or /tmp for instance
    tar xzf ./opConfig-Linux-x86_64-23.0.0.tgz

    Start the interactive installer and follow its instructions:

    Code Block
    # become root if you aren't already
    sudo sh
    # move to the unpacked directory where the installer is
    cd opConfig-2.0.0/
    # run the installer script
    opConfig (23.0.07) Installation script
    This installer will install opConfig into /usr/local/omk.
    To select a different installation location please rerun the 
    installer with the -t option.

  • The installer will interactively guide you through the steps of installing opConfig. Please make sure to read the on-screen prompts carefully.
  • When the installer finishes, opConfig is installed into into /usr/local/omk, and the default configuration files are in in /usr/local/omk/conf, ready for your initial config adjustments.
  • A detailed log of the installation process is saved as as /usr/local/omk/install.log, and subsequent upgrades or installations of other Opmantek products will add to that logfile.
  • For detailed information about the interactive installer please check the the Opmantek Installer page.

Database Setup



necessary the installer will offer to install MongoDB locally for you; if that is undesirable, or if


you have a remote MongoDB installation that you want to use you'll need to adjust the MongoDB-related settings:
open conf/opCommon.nmis in an editor, go to the database section and change the server, username and password to reflect your MongoDB installation.
The result should look similar to the following (but there might be extra settings related to other products):

Code Block
'database' => {
  'db_server' => 'localhost',
  'db_port' => '27017',
  'db_name' => 'nmis',
  'db_username' => 'opUserRW',
  'db_password' => 'op42flow42',




Access the opConfig GUI and acquire, restore or enter your license.
The opConfig GUI is accessible at http://<yourservername or ip address>/omk/opConfig/, and until you have entered a valid license neither the opConfig GUI nor the CLI tools will operate.

Setup Cron to perform the desired opConfig data collection periodically
opConfig's CLI tool is responsible for performing such operations, and you should familiarize yourself with its capabilities: simply start it without any arguments, like this:

Code Block
# you should generally run as root
sudo /usr/local/omk/bin/ Version 1.2.4
usage: act={discover|test_connect} node=nodeX act=import_from_nmis [nodes=nodeA,nodeB... act=run_command_sets [nodes=nodeA,nodeB...] [tags=tagA,tagB...]


Code Block
# opConfig: hourly command set running 
1 * * * * 	root 	/usr/local/omk/bin/ quiet=1 act=run_command_sets tags=HOURLY
# and the daily ones
7 7 * * * * root 	/usr/local/omk/bin/ quiet=1 act=run_command_sets tags=DAILY
# and a daily import from open-audit enterprise 
21 4 * * * root 	/usr/local/omk/bin/ quiet=1 act=import_audit
# and a daily purge of old revisions
40 3 * * *     root /usr/local/omk/bin/ act=purge_revisions quiet=1

Configuration and Use

At this point opConfig should be ready for operation, but won't have any knowledge of which nodes to manage.

Your next step should be to consult the opConfig User Manual, which will tell you how to tell opConfig what commands to perform with which nodes, how to customize opConfig's behaviour to suit your needs and so on. 

Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions below!