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Table of Contents

A core functionality of NMIS8 and NMIS9 NMIS is the modelling system, this is an abstraction of how NMIS communicates with devices and allows a great deal of flexibility and control over how NMIS works.

There are several use tools and functions available with NMIS to help troubleshoot what is happening with device communication as well as when you are developing new models.  This WIKI wiki provides details about what those tools are and how to use them.

NMIS to Device Communications


In NMIS8 the model tool was called, but it did more than that, so it was renamed in NMIS9 to (/usr/local/nmis9/admin/

This document will refer to using the modelling tool in NMIS9, along with some other useful tools in NMIS8 which still work, but are a little redundant with the new and improved

NMIS to Device Communications

The NMIS CLI allows you to see what NMIS is doing when it communicates with a node, this output will tell you what data NMIS is requesting, which SNMP OID or WMI query is being used and what the device responds with.

Once you have added the node to NMIS8 NMIS you can run an update or collect and see what data is being requested:

Model Debug for an Update


NMIS 9: 

Using the syntax below will result in a file created /tmp/update-PID-DATE.log

Code Block
/usr/local/nmis9/bin/ -cli act=schedule job.priority=1 job.verbosity=3 job.output=/tmp/update job.force=true job.type=update job.node=NMIS_NODE_NAME model=true force=true


NMIS 8: 

Code Block
/usr/local/nmis8/bin/ type=collectupdate node=NMIS_NODE_NAME model=true force=true


Model Debug


You will see below oid=biglongnumber, e.g. oid= and you will see oid=name, e.g. oid=processorRam, what is important to note is that SNMP ONLY uses OID's in dotted decimal notation form e.g, when NMIS sends


for a Collect

NMIS 9: 

Using the syntax below will result in a file created /tmp/collect-PID-DATE.log

Code Block
/usr/local/nmis9/bin/nmis-cli act=schedule job.priority=1 job.verbosity=3 job.output=/tmp/collect job.force=true job.type=collect job.node=NMIS_NODE_NAME 

NMIS 8: 

Code Block
/usr/local/nmis8/bin/ type=collect node=asgardNMIS_NODE_NAME model=true force=true
MODEL loadInfo asgard class=system:
  :  oid

Example Model Debug Output

You will see below oid=biglongnumber, e.g. oid=


and you will see oid=name, e.g. oid=processorRam, what is important to note is that SNMP ONLY uses OID's in dotted decimal notation form e.g




, when NMIS sends

Code Block
keiths@lodur:/usr/local/nmis8$ /usr/local/nmis8/bin/ type=collect node=asgard model=true force=true
MODEL loadInfo asgard class=system:
  :  oid= name=softwareVersionconfigLastChanged value=12.4(25f)2046
  :  oid=processorRam1. name=processorRambootConfigLastChanged value=99.610
Mb   :  oid=chassisVersion name=chassisVer value=7.0
  :  oid= name=rttMonApplVersionconfigLastSaved value=2.2.0 Round Trip Time MIB
  :  oid=chassisId name=serialNum value=FHK11472788
MODEL loadInfo asgard class=system:
  :  oid= name=softwareImage value=C1841-ADVENTERPRISEK9-MsoftwareVersion value=12.4(25f)
  :  oid=processorRam name=processorRam value=99.61 Mb
  :  oid=chassisVersion name=chassisVer value=7.0
  :  oid= name=rttMonApplResponderrttMonApplVersion value=enabled
MODEL loadInfo asgard class=system:2.2.0 Round Trip Time MIB
  :  oid=sysContactchassisId name=sysContactserialNum value=defaultFHK11472788
  :  oid=sysDescr1. name=sysDescrsoftwareImage value=Cisco IOS Software, 1841 Software (C1841-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version
12.4(25f), RELEASE SOFTWARE: (fc2)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2011 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Tue 16-Aug-11 06:21 by prod_rel_team
  :  oid=cmSystemInstalledModem name=InstalledModems value=0 oid= name=rttMonApplResponder value=enabled
MODEL loadInfo asgard class=system:
  :  oid=sysContact name=sysContact value=default
  :  oid=snmpEngineTimesysDescr name=sysUpTimesysDescr value=44764700Cisco IOS Software, :1841  oid=sysObjectID name=sysObjectID value=
  :  oid=ifNumber name=ifNumber value=10
  :  oid=sysName name=sysName value=asgard.localdomain
  :  oid=sysLocation name=sysLocation value=default

Model Development Tool

The model discovery tool is new and is there to make things easier.  It supports several useful functions when development new models or working with existing ones. was released in NMIS8.7.0G but was early version, check with Opmantek Support or grab a more recent version from

Automated Base Model Detection and Creation


Software (C1841-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 12.4(25f), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2011 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Tue 16-Aug-11 06:21 by prod_rel_team
  :  oid=cmSystemInstalledModem name=InstalledModems value=0
  :  oid=snmpEngineTime name=sysUpTime value=44764700
  :  oid=sysObjectID name=sysObjectID value=
  :  oid=ifNumber name=ifNumber value=10
  :  oid=sysName name=sysName value=asgard.localdomain
  :  oid=sysLocation name=sysLocation value=default

Model Development Tool

The model discovery tool is new and is there to make things easier.  It supports several useful functions when development new models or working with existing ones. was released in NMIS8.7.0G and NMIS 9.2.2 but was an early version, check with Opmantek Support or grab a more recent version from GitHub:

Automated Base Model Detection and Creation

This tool started a little more generically but it can now generate a base model automatically. Based on what it discovers, when starting with a new device type to become and NMIS node this is where you should start, it will take a default model and add all the things it can find which are already modelled, this would include things from the standard MIBs.  First add your new thing into NMIS and get SNMP working, NMIS will use the Default model for this node which means SNMP is working and you can get more! 

For example where ASGARD is the name of your node in NMIS.

Code Block
/usr/local/nmis8nmis9/admin/ node=ASGARDasgard model=CiscoRouter-auto common_exclude="Windows|^tcp"

A file called /usr/local/nmis8nmis9/models-custom/Model-CiscoRouter-auto.nmis would be created, you can now edit the node in Nodes.nmis NMIS and change model from auto to be CiscoRouter-auto and use this model.


What existing modelling is there which could be useful. For example where ASGARD is the name of your node in NMIS.

Code Block
/usr/local/nmis8nmis9/admin/ node=ASGARDasgard file=/tmp/ASGARD.txt errors=false

The resulting file is a TAB delimited CSV and looks like below, it will help you understand which other existing modelling might work on this node :

ASGARDCiscoRoutersystemModel-ACME-Packet.nmisModel/system/sys/standard/snmp/sysDescrYESsysDescr1. IOS Software, 1841 Software (C1841-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 12.4(25f), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)\nTechnical Support:\nCopyright (c) 1986-2011 by Cisco Systems, Inc.\nCompiled Tue 16-Aug-11 06:21 by prod_rel_team
ASGARDCiscoRoutersystemHealthCommon-Cisco-cbqos.nmisCommon/systemHealth/sys/Cisco_CBQoSYEScbQosIfType1.$VAR1 = {    '' => 1  };  

And what modelling will NOT work on this node.

ASGARDCiscoRoutersystemHealthModel-AlcatelASAM.nmisModel/systemHealth/sys/eqptBoardNOeqptSlotPlannedType1.$VAR1 = undef;  
$VAR1 = undef;  
ASGARDCiscoRoutersystemHealthCommon-lldp.nmisCommon/systemHealth/sys/lldpLocalNOlldpLocPortDesc1.0.8802.$VAR1 = undef;  
.1$VAR1 = undef;  

Check the Existing Models

Basic mode, check the model files and look for any errors, many things are checked for, more will be added.


.1$VAR1 = undef;  

Check the Existing Models

Basic mode, check the model files and look for any errors, many things are checked for, more will be added.

Code Block
/usr/local/nmis9/admin/ check=true

By default this will only check the models-default directory.

Code Block
0.07 Load all the NMIS models from /usr/local/nmis9/models-default

To check model files in other directories, you need to add models_dir to the command, for example checking models-custom directory.

Code Block
/usr/local/nmis9/admin/ check=true models_dir=models-custom

As a result, we can see this is now checking the models-custom directory

Code Block
0.06 Load all the NMIS models from /usr/local/nmis9/models-custom

Debug is optional and debug=3 will reveal lots of cool information if you like data modelling.  You should check keeping an eye on these errors, examples below.


You will get the compile error first with the details and the name of the file after it.



Code Block
String found where operator expected at (eval 219) line 41, near "}
	(Missing operator before 
  MODEL ERROR: Could not load Model-TELDATL1.nmis

Missing OID to Name definition in /usr/local/nmis8/mibs/nmis_mibs.oid

Code Block
MODEL ERROR: with Model OID Model-POWERALERT-ups.nmis :: Model/system/sys/ups/snmp/upsoutputsrc UpsOutSource

Variable Name for Storing in RRD longer than 19 Characters

Code Block
MODEL ERROR: RRD variable HbsAirLinkCompressedStatic found longer than 19

Missing Graph file for the graphtype name

Code Block
MODEL ERROR: missing file for graph type cmtscpu: /usr/local/nmis8/models/Graph-cmtscpu.nmis
MODEL ERROR: Couldmissing file notfor load Model-TELDATL1.nmis


graph type power: /usr/local/nmis8/




Code Block
MODEL ERROR: with Model OID Model-POWERALERT-ups.nmis :: Model/system/sys/ups/snmp/upsoutputsrc UpsOutSource

Variable Name for Storing in RRD longer than 19 Characters

Code Block
MODEL ERROR: RRD variable HbsAirLinkCompressedStatic found longer than 19

Missing Graph file for the graphtype name

Code Block
MODEL ERROR: missing file for graph type cmtscpu: /usr/local/nmis8/models/Graph-cmtscpu.nmis
MODEL ERROR: missing file for graph type power: /usr/local/nmis8/models/Graph-power.nmis

TODO - More Modelling Verifications 

  • Foreach Vendor in Models.nmis, ensure that a model exists, ensure that the vendor matches the Enterprise name.

Rebuild the Model Schema

Run this to build the model schema automatically.  This will make the file /usr/local/nmis8/conf/Model-Schema.nmis

Code Block
/usr/local/nmis9/admin/ models_dir=models-default make_schema=1 check=true 

Checking Models for specific nodes

There are some errors just found when loading a model for a specific device. So, a new argument can be passed to check for those specific errors: 

Code Block
/usr/local/nmis9/admin/ nodes=true

Released in NMIS 9.2.4.

NIMS8 Model Tools - Dealing with Many Nodes and Many Models

Auditing your Nodes and Models
