Versions Compared


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opCharts has dashboards built into the heart of it's engine.  Dashboards have the ability to display components, components can load data from many different sources and display it as a graph/table/pie/chart/etc.  Right now only graphs are supported.

Customising the opCharts GUI contains some tips for GUI customisation.

Users, Roles, Privileges and Objects ( Portal mode / RBAC)

See this documentation 


Data Sources



sources.json defines the data sources that the system will make available to the charts.  Currently only SQL external data sources are supported.  The default configuration in data_sources.json file ships with examples for MSSQL and MySQL servers. Here is an example a data source definition: 

Code Block
         "name" : "mssql_example",  # name used to access this data source in charts.json
         "type" : "sql", # fixed, no other types are currently available
         "data_models" : [ "sql_query" ], # also fixed.
         "parameters" : {
            "scheme" : "dbi", # fixed
            "driver" : "ODBC:DRIVER=FreeTDS", # dbi options that have been installed are available, only MSSQL and MySQL are tested
            "host" : "", # SQL server host/ip
            "port" : "1433", # port SQL can be found on
            "database_name" : "testdb", # database to pull data from
            "username" : "sa", # username
            "password" : "password" #password


Dashboards can be created and set as the default for many different views of the system (depending on standalone mode the options to do this differ)view after logging in

    • defined application wide (not stored per user)
    • names are unique, cannot be changed after creation (because they are used to link into other places, like default dashboards
    • care should to be taken to ensure that a dashboard that is visible to a customer does not contain graphs that the customer should not see
      •  the inclusion of components in a dashboard means any user who is allowed to see and that dashboard can load those components
    • if a dashboard is deleted which is also set to a users default dashboard the user will just see the regular index page because the one picked cannot be found.

                     More documentation on Dashboards can be found HERE: Dashboards

Configuration Options

After making any configuration changes you must restart the omkd daemon:

Code Block
/etc/init.d/omkd restart

Panel View Options

  • KPI Based
  • Resource Based


These two options are mutually exclusive, it must be one or the other. For an explanation of these two options see opCharts User Guide#Panelview

After making this change Remember to restart the omkd daemon after making configuration changes. 

Code Block
/etc/init.d/omkd restart



Node List Options

The node list displays nodes in two formats: panel and table (ie, list).  The default view shown is defined in the the /usr/local/omk/opCommon.nmis file: 

Code Block
'opcharts_gui_node_list_view_type' => 'table', #options: 'table' or 'panel'

Table view options

Customising table views is described here:  opCharts - Customising Table Columns

Node info options

Customising node info options is described here:  opCharts - Customising Table Columns

Node list performance

See opCharts 3 Performance Tuning