This guide provides instructions for deploying NMIS 9 using either Quick Start or Docker Compose methods, Suite with NMIS 9 and commercial Modules with optional Apache reverse proxy configuration. The solution can be deployed either with a containerized MongoDB instance or configured to use an external MongoDB server.
Access to the internet to pull the latest, this is currently :v1.0 container image
Docker Engine (20.10.0 or newer)
Apache2 with required modules (if using reverse proxy):
SSL certificates (if using HTTPS)A Valid UUID for the cluster_id. This can be generated on any linux OS with “uuidgen”
Minimum Resource Requirements
*please note these are a bare minimum, and resource requirements for production environments will depend upon the number of nodes being monitored
RAM: 2GB dedicated for the NMIS container
1GB for container image (840MB image size + buffer)
Additional storage for logs and data (recommend minimum 10GB)
Network: Active internet connection for pulling images and updates
Additional Requirements for Full Stack (Docker Compose)
MongoDB Container:
Additional 1GB RAM minimum
10GB storage for database files
Total system RAM: 4GB minimum
Method 1: Quick Start (Single Container)
Pull the NMIS image:
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docker pull public.ecr.aws/n2x4v8j4/firstwave/nmis9_omk:latest |
Create required directories and files (if intending to mount your own configs in place - or pull the deulats from the container and have them persist on your host):
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mkdir -p app_conf |
Start the container:
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docker run -d \
--name nmis9 \
-e NMIS_DB_PASSWORD=example \
-e NMIS_DB_SERVER=mongodb.example.com \
-e NMIS_SERVER_NAME=example-host-1 \
-e NMIS_CLUSTER_ID=660f29ae-f150-4119-bf04-cd9296852449 \
-v $(pwd)/app_conf/Config.nmis:/usr/local/nmis9/conf/Config.nmis \
-v $(pwd)/app_conf/opCommon.json:/usr/local/omk/conf/opCommon.json \
-v $(pwd)/app_conf/opLicense.json:/usr/local/omk/conf/opLicense.json \
-p 8080:8080 \
-p 8042:8042 \
nmis9:latest |
Verify deployment:
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docker ps | grep nmis9
docker logs nmis9 |
Deployment Steps
Docker Compose
Please refer to the section ‘Persisting configs’ configuration files’ below if you wish to take and use the default configs from the container or use mount in your own
Pull the NMIS image:
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docker pull public.ecr.aws/n2x4v8j4/firstwave/nmis9_omk:latestv1.0 |
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version: '3.4' services: mongo: image: mongo:4.4 restart: always healthcheck: test: echo 'db.runCommand("ping").ok' | mongo mongo:27017/test --quiet interval: 60s timeout: 60s retries: 5 start_period: 60s environment: MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME: root MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD: example volumes: - mongo_data:/var/lib/mongodb networks: - backend nmis: image: public.ecr.aws/n2x4v8j4/firstwave/nmis9_omk:latestv1.0 restart: always environment: NMIS_DB_USERNAME: root NMIS_DB_PASSWORD: example NMIS_DB_SERVER: mongo NMIS_SERVER_NAME: example-host-1 NMIS_CLUSTER_ID: 660f29ae-f150-4119-bf04-cd9296852449 depends_on: mongo: condition: service_healthy volumes: - log_data:/usr/local/nmis9/logs - var_data:/usr/local/nmis9/var - conf_data:/usr/local/nmis9/conf - database_data:/usr/local/nmis9/database #You# You can mount your own config configsfiles into volumes in the container but - but# you must ensure that the db config details match whats in thethis compose file # - ./app_conf/Config.nmis:/usr/local/nmis9/conf/Config.nmis # - ./app_conf/opCommon.json:/usr/local/omk/conf/opCommon.json # - ./app_conf/opLicense.json:/usr/local/omk/conf/opLicense.json ports: - "8080:8080" - "8042:8042" networks: - backend networks: backend: volumes: log_data: var_data: conf_data: database_data: mongo_data: |
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docker compose up -d-file docker-compose.yaml |
Monitor deployment:
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docker compose ps docker compose logs -f |
Connecting to the application
Once the container is running, go to http://your.ip.or.localhost:8080/cgi-nmis9/nmiscgi.pl to reach the NMIS application
To reach the rest of the modules, go to http://your.ip.or.localhost:8042/omk
To connect when using a reverse proxy see below.
Persisting configurations
The container already persists the <nmis>/conf directory and the three files below.
The easiest way to persist configurations with docker is to mount in your own. The items you will mainly want to “persist” will be:
But you can extend this to any file you want which is used by the nmis system, to do this:
create a directory named appconf app_conf (if you didn’t before) in the same directory you created the compose file in:
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mkdir -p appconf cd appconf sudo cp /path/to/Config.nmis . sudo cp /path/to/opCommon.json . sudo cp /path/to/opLicense.json . |
uncomment out the appconf app_conf volume mounts in the compose file
restart Restart the the container stackcontainers
If you wish to use the default configs that work out of the box with the containers, and modify them. , you can copy them from the containers to your local machine.
make the appconf directory to store them in, where you will mount them from later
exec into your container and copy the configuration files to a directory on your host machine:
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docker exec -it <container_name> bash -c "mkdir -p /tmp/configs && cp /usr/local/nmis9/conf/Config.nmis /usr/local/omk/conf/opCommon.json /usr/local/omk/conf/opLicense.json /tmp/configs/" && docker cp <container_name>:/tmp/configs/. Path<path/to/appconf/> |
Replace <container_name>
with your actual container name (likely "nmis" based on your compose file).
Creates a temporary directory inside the container
Copies all three config files to that directory
docker cp
to copy the files from the container to your host atPath<Path/to/appconf/>
If you need to find your container name first, you can run:
once you have the default configs in the appconf dir - uncomment out the appconf volume mounts in the compose file and restart the container stack
Apache Reverse Proxy Configuration (Optional)
Apache2 with required modules (if using reverse proxy):
SSL certificates (if using HTTPS)
Enable required Apache modules:
Create virtual host configuration, using the following template, substituting your domain name for nmis.example.com:
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# /etc/apache2/sites-available/nmis.conf <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName nmis.example.com Redirect permanent / <https://nmis.example.com/> </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost *:443> ServerName nmis.example.com SSLEngine on SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/nmis.crt SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/nmis.key # Security headers Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains" Header always set X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN" Header always set X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block" Header always set X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff" # Logging configuration ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/nmis_error.log CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/nmis_access.log combined ProxyPreserveHost On # NMIS Web Interface ProxyPass / <http://localhost:8080/> ProxyPassReverse / <http://localhost:8080/> # OMK Interface ProxyPass /omk/ <http://localhost:8042/> ProxyPassReverse /omk/ <http://localhost:8042/> </VirtualHost> |
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sudo a2ensite nmis.conf sudo systemctl reload apache2 |
To connect to the the application:
Once the container is running, go to https://nmis.example.com/omk to reach the NMIS applicationTo reach the rest of the modules, go to https://nmis.example.com/omk
Common Issues and Troubleshooting
MongoDB Connection Issues:
Verify MongoDB container:
docker compose ps
Check MongoDB logs:
docker compose logs mongo
Verify credentials in environment variables
Apache Proxy Issues:
Check Apache error logs:
tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log
Verify SSL certificate paths and permissions
Check SELinux policies if applicable
Security Considerations
Change default passwords:
MongoDB root password
NMIS admin credentials
**Important - to change the mongo password - please change it in the mongo database before changing any configurations or environment variables
docker exec -it container_name mongo -u root -p example
use admin
db.changeUserPassword("root", "new_password")
SSL/TLS Configuration:
Use strong SSL protocols (TLSv1.2+)
Regularly update SSL certificates
Implement proper cipher suites
Implement proper firewall rules
Regular security updates
Backup Strategy:
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# Backup MongoDB data docker compose exec mongo mongodump --out /backup # Backup configuration files tar -czf nmis_config_backup.tar.gz app_conf/ |
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# Pull latest images docker compose pull # Restart services docker compose down docker compose up -d |
Advanced Configuration
External MongoDB
To use an external MongoDB instance:
Remove the
service from docker-compose.yamlUpdate NMIS environment variables with external MongoDB details
Ensure proper network connectivity and authentication
Custom Networking
For enhanced security:
Use custom network ranges
Implement network segmentation
Add additional security layers (WAF, IDS)
Support and Resources
NMIS Documentation: Introduction & Setup
Docker Documentation: https://docs.docker.com
MongoDB Documentation: https://docs.mongodb.com
Apache Documentation: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/