This document will describe how to install Open-AudIT v1.0 on Microsoft Windows using the XAMPPLite package of Apache, MySQL and PHP.
OAv2 installation using XAMPP
Download the Open-AudIT version with XAMPP included
Extract to C: drive
Run the c:\xampplite\xampp-control.exe
Start Apache and MySQL then log on to http://YOURSERVERNAME/
Done :-)
Don't forget to activate Groups & Reports and to change the password of the Admin user.
Scroll to the bottom for instructions on auditing Windows Systems.
Substitue the correct variable contents when items below are in CAPITALS.
- Download nmap from and install. Ensure Nmap is in your path. This may require logging off and on again (or even a reboot). Check it is in your path by typing "path" (sans quotes) at a command prompt. You should see the Nmap installation directory in the path. For example, I can see C:\Program Files (x86)\Nmap in my path variable.
- Download XAMPPLite from and install to c:\xampplite. We MUST use 1.7.3 as later versions of XAMPP have broken SNMP support.
- Edit the file c:\xampplite\php\php.ini. Ensure the following extensions are enabled (not commented out with a ;) - php_snmp.dll, php_ldap.dll, php_mcrypt.dll, php_mbstring.dll. Set the following variables: max_execution_time = 600, memory_limit = 512M, error_reporting = E_ALL
- Run c:\xampplite\xampp-control.exe and start the apache and mysql processes. Ensure you can browse to http://YOUR_SERVER. If so, XAMPPLite is installed correctly.
- Download the package and extract the "www" directory to c:\xampplite\htdocs
zipfile\open-audit\www -> c:\xampplite\htdocs
You should end up with the c:\xampplite\htdocs directory containing device_images, theme-tango, favicon.ico and index.php items.
- Extract the files in the "open-audit" directory into xampplite
zipfile\open-audit -> c:\xampplite\open-audit
You should end up with the c:\xampplite\open-audit directory containing the code_igniter, other, www, readme.txt and agpl-3.0.txt items.
- Check the file c:\xampplite\htdocs\index.php for the $system_path variable. Ensure it is set as below.
$system_path = "c:/xampplite/open-audit/code_igniter/system";
Ensure any other reference to $system_path is commented out by putting a hash # at the start of the line.
- Check the file c:\xampplite\htdocs\index.php for the $application_folder variable. Ensure it is set as below.
$application_folder = "c:/xampplite/open-audit/code_igniter/application";
Ensure any other reference to $application_folder is commented out by putting a hash # at the start of the line.
- Go to the c:\xampplite\open-audit\other folder and edit the file audit_windows.vbs
Make sure the variable "url" points to YOUR_SERVER name (if resolvable) or ip address.
- Create the database in Mysql
cd into the c:\xampp\mysql\bin folder and run the following.
mysql -u root -e "USE mysql; UPDATE user set Password = password('openauditrootuserpassword') WHERE User = 'root'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;"
then run.
mysql -u root -popenauditrootuserpassword -e "CREATE DATABASE openaudit;"
then run.
mysql -u root -popenauditrootuserpassword -e "CREATE USER openaudit@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'openauditpassword';"
then run.
mysql -u root -popenauditrootuserpassword -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON openaudit.* TO openaudit@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'openauditpassword';"
then run.
mysql -u root -popenauditrootuserpassword -e "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;"
then run.
mysql -u root -popenauditrootuserpassword openaudit < c:\xampplite\open-audit\other\openaudit_mysql.sql
- Lastly, check the file c:\xampp\open-audit\code_igniter\system\application\config\database.php
Make sure the credentials are correct to access the database you just created.
- Finally, point your browser at http://YOURSERVER/ and you should be asked to log in.
Username: admin
Password: password
It is installed, congratulations.
Open a command prompt and enter "cd c:\xampplite\open-audit\other" and then "cscript audit_windows.vbs ."
It should run and post the result to the database. Go back to your web browser and refresh. You should have a group or two created. Go into one of them and click the machine name. You should see the machine details.
To audit your domain, edit the file: c:\xampplite\open-audit\other\audit_domain.vbs
Depending on your system's power, you may wish to ajust the "number_of_audits". I usually use 20. Make sure the "script_name" points to the correct place -
script_name = "c:\xampplite\open-audit\other\audit_windows.vbs"
Put your domain in the domain_array variable as per the examples.
Run the script with: cscript audit_domain.vbs
You should see your domain PCs start to get audited by seperate audit_windows scripts.
Enjoy !!!This page is no longer used.
Please see:
Linux - Installing (old pre v1.3.1)