As at version 1.0.3 of Open-AudIT we have opMaps integration.
To enable opMaps in Open-AudIT, do the following as an Open-AudIT user with Admin level access.
Click the menu item Admin -> Config and set the correct URL for opMaps. This will enable a link on the opMaps icon in the header of the Open-AudIT pages.
Click the menu item Admin -> Locations -> Add Location. Adding Locations for opMaps is very easy. Enter the location details and click the "Get Lat / Long" button. You should see the latitude and longitude fields populated. These values are derived by submitting the location details to the Google API for Maps. You can also enter the Lat / Long manually. If you would prefer a different Lat / Long to the actual address details, but don't know the actual Lat / Long, you can populate the GeoCode field and click the "Get Lat / Long" button. This will populate the Lat / Long fields with the GeoCode address, rather than the entered address details. If both GeoCode and address details are populated, the "Get Lat/Long" button will use the GeoCode as preferred.
If you select the "Activate Group" checkbox a Group will be created that will auto update when any devices are assigned to the given location.
To assign a device to a location you can view the device details and go to Summary -> Location / Contact on the left side menu. Clicking the blue dash (or text if already populated) in the Location Name field will change it to a drop down box. You can then select the location you wish the device to be allocated to.
To assign multiple devices to a location (say for example a selected subnet), you can view any Group list as an Open-AudIT Admin user and select the devices you need by the checkboxes on the right side of the report. Next click the "Edit" button in the report table header. You can then edit any manual fields, but importantly you can change the location of all selected devices. Click the Submit button at the bottom of the form to enact the change.
Once you have locations created, devices assigned to them and the URL for opMaps populated, you can click the opMaps icon in the header and be sent to the opMaps web page. The page will show all your locations and when a location is clicked a summary of the number of each type of device in that location.This page is no longer used.
Please see: