Code Block |
support.pl action=[collect/run-bot] [support_file=] [report_dir=...] [public=t/f] [node=nodeA] [node=nodeB ...] [bot=0] [support_file=] [maxzipsize=] [maxlogsize=] [maxopstatus=] [maxoperrors=] |
: this can be set tocollect
. collect will collect data and use it to generate a report, run-bot will use data collected from a previous scan collect to create the report. If run-bot is used, you must specify support_file=Code Block support.pl action=collect
: Specify the location of the support file if using run-bot for action.Code Block support.pl action=run-bot support_file=/tmp/myfile.zip
: If set to false all credentials and other sensitive information will be removed and are not included in the archivesupport file.Code Block support.pl action=collect public=f
: if defined, the tool will also collect node specific information. This can be set to * to collect on all nodes, but may make the data file larger than desirable.Code Block support.pl action=collect node=NodeName
: if set to 0, support.pl will not create a support_report.html containing an easy-to-read summary.Code Block support.pl action=collect bot=0
: Determines where the support file will be saved. Needs to be full path defined, Default is /tmpCode Block support.pl action=collect report_dir= /home/nmis/reports/
: Defines the maximum size of the support file in bytes. Default is 10 MiB.Code Block support.pl action=collect maxzipsize=2000000
: Defines the maximum size of the log file in bytes. Default is 4 MiB.Code Block support.pl action=collect maxlogsize=104857600
: Defines the maximum number of status messages. Default is 500.Code Block support.pl action=collect maxopstatus=138
: Defines the maximum number of errors. Default is 100.Code Block support.pl action=collect maxopstatus=50