This is a maintenance and bug fix release only. No new functionality has been included.
Open-AudIT | Improvement | CSRF initial implementation. Details here. |
Open-AudIT Professional | Improvement | Set the active attribute to y by default on the user create form.
Open-AudIT Professional | Bug | Do not HTML escape information section on import from CSV templates. |
Open-AudIT | Improvement | Logout of Community now logs the user out of Professional and Enterprise. |
Open-AudIT Professional | Improvement | Logout of Professional and Enterprise also logs the user out of Community. |
Open-AudIT Enterprise | Bug | Respond to collector request with JSON as specified. |
Open-AudIT Enterprise | Bug | Fix collector html link on device details page. |
Open-AudIT Professional | Improvement | Set a the selected Org in the drop down on X_create templates to the Default Org (if user has access). |
Open-AudIT Professional | Improvement | Prevent the open-audit_enterprise user from being deleted if it is in the configuration. |
Open-AudIT Professional | Improvement | Remove unused config item oae_group. |
Open-AudIT Professional | Bug | Fix bug in multiple device export. |
Open-AudIT Professional | Improvement | Add button to device export page for format. |
Open-AudIT Professional | Improvement | Add button to bulk update page with link to export devices. |
Open-AudIT Professional | Improvement | Show SQL Statement on help -> defaults pages. |
Open-AudIT | Improvement | Improve SQL processing in queries to account for incorrectly formatted SQL (ending in a ; or a CR of spaces, etc). |
Open-AudIT | Improvement | Script improvements in test_windows_client.vbs. Check for SMB1 status. |
Open-AudIT | Improvement | Allow for an empty string when processing netstat ports. |
Open-AudIT | Improvement | Revised error levels and improved details for CSRF errors. |
Open-AudIT | Improvement | Change cluster.type and cluster.purpose to include an empty string and use that (and not null) as the default. |
Open-AudIT | Bug | Change locations.type from an enum to a varchar so we can use user added types from the attributes table. |
Open-AudIT | Bug | Bug fix for non-sudo use when discovering and auditing Linux. |
Open-AudIT Enterprise | Bug | Fix error where editing a dashboard and selecting no widget then viewing the dashboard |