Released 2019-02-11

Linux md5sum: 69ba1478ef33665c4c1c5267d98ac1bc

Linux SHA256: 34aebe4addfb30863cee0873ccb2fdf0509453f9ec532d8dfec80893a83e9351


2.3.3 includes the patched files as per the Errata page and fixed file permissions inside the installer.

Open-AudITBugDiscoveries::import routine to allow for depth in other->subnet, other->nmap and other->match items
Open-AudITBugFix incorrect assignment of IP item when manually creating a new item.
Open-AudITImprovementAvaya switch added to SNMP helpers.
Open-AudITBugBug fix for module array test in discoveries.
Open-AudITImprovementImprove all VBS scripts to be directory agnostic.
Open-AudITImprovementRemove hard coded file paths so we can move from c:\xampplite to c:\xampp on Windows.