Released 2023-12-12 |
md5sum: d1712558f7e75325a13f91c02f9fe7b5
sha256sum: 28ddba82a11b92e5d763809d7414ea83c05fb8b6d86522623de7fc98665d8174
This is a bugfix release to address an issue with the Windows version (mostly).
There have been additional improvements for both Linux and Windows and users are encouraged to upgrade from 5.0.0 or 5.0.1.
For Redhat-based installs, we enable the remi PHP repo so we can use the PHP sodium extension. Redhat do not ship this extension, but it is used in our encryption of credentials, hence it is essential. Redhat based installs will use PHP 8.2 (and associated extensions) from the remi repositiory.
Version | Type | Collection | Description |
All | Bug | Discoveries | Add Apple M Series processor speeds. |
All | Bug | Discoveries | Windows path to spawn process was incorrect - resulting in no discoveries being run. |
All | Improvement | Discoveries | Windows would not throw a warning if the Apache user account had not been changed - resulting in no discoveries being run. |
All | Improvement | Discoveries | Some items retrieved via SNMP were 'false' instead of an array. We attempted to count them, but PHP 8.2 is more strict and would fail. Fixed. |
All | Bug | All | Fix bug with line endings on Windows vs Linux when populating some "create" HTML forms, in particular the Credentials form (among others). |
All | Bug | All | Add more language files. |
All | Bug | Support | Add the Samba version to the Support Output. |
All | Improvement | Discoveries | In DiscoveryLogModel, use CI RawSql option for a discovery log timestamp. This will use the timestamp / timezone of the MySQL server, not that from PHP. |
All | Improvement | Discoveries | Update PHPSecLib to 3.0.34 to address a reported vulnerability. |
All | Improvement | Discoveries | Improve SQL for device list for DiscoveriesRead template. |
All | Improvement | Discoveries | Add the discovery log ID on the devicesRead template to make sorting more intuitive. |
All | Improvement | Discoveries | Revise query in discoveriesModel to mark as complete and discoveries not logged to for over 30 minutes. |
All | Improvement | Discoveries | Improve discoveriesModel::queue to use a last_finished time of the standard 2001 and not 1 second in the future. |
All | Improvement | Discoveries | On discoveriesRead, show improved 'duration' times per device. |
All | Improvement | Discoveries | Improved logging in RulesModel, better determine and use IP. |
All | Improvement | Discoveries | Improved discovery logging when we cannot build and audit script and add the device IP to the logging for the RulesModel->execute calls. |
All | Improvement | Support | Improved SupportModel tests. Nmap version, lang files. |
All | Improvement | Devices | Fix some items for CSS dark mode on devicesRead. |
All | Improvement | All | Ensure we return a 401 for a failed login for non-HTML requests. |
All | Improvement | Config | Fix App config to determine the BASEURL even when running from spark. |
All | Improvement | Devices, Discoveries | On devicesCollection and discoveriesRead, add a space on either side of IPs in the dataTable. Users can now search for<space> and not return |
All | Improvement | All | CodeIgniter upgrade to 4.4.3 (latest). |