
NMIS9 installer will automatically import all nodes from NMIS8, however, some of the custom configuration won't be imported to NMIS9. In order to do that, a few extra steps are required.

Step by step

1.  Install nmis

bash ./
# read and answer the prompts, checking carefully the selections work for your environment.  
# NMIS does have good default selections and if you have tested those default selections before you can use -- -y to automatically select yes for all.

2. Stop nmis8 and nmis9 from running

mv /etc/cron.d/nmis /tmp/nmis.cron
systemctl stop nmis9d.service

3. Replace the new default NMIS9 var/ and database/ directories for the old custom ones (NMIS8)

rm -rf /usr/local/nmis9/database
rm -rf /usr/local/nmis9/var

cp -rfT /usr/local/nmis8/var /usr/local/nmis9/var
cp -rfT /usr/local/nmis8/database /usr/local/nmis9/database

4. Click here to download the script and run it

bash ./

5. Use the nmis-cli tool to fix the permissions

/usr/local/nmis9/nmis-cli act=fixperms

6. Lastly, start and verify nmis9d is running

systemctl start nmis9d.service
systemctl status nmis9d.service