opEvents CLI

opEvents CLI is now able to dynamically update events using the act=set parameter.






event id of the given event


value to be updated for the given event

CLI command : /usr/local/omk/bin/opevents-cli.pl  act=set event_id="672a9b95ad7949330256138a" entry.details="update event details" entry.level=Minor

opEvents API

opEvents API is now able to dynamically update events using a PATCH request.



Payload example:
    "details" : "updating fake event with api 1110110",
    "level" : "Minor"

This will update the Event with the given data.

Successful Response

HTTP Status



200 OK

JSON object with success message.
{"success":"Event successfully updated"}

The success property is set to Event successfully updated and only if the request was successful.

Bad Responses

Payload example:
    // empty payload

HTTP Status



400 Bad Request

JSON object with error message.
{"error":"Empty input: Please provide the necessary data in the request body.","errorTitle":"Invalid Input"}

The error message is set to "Empty input: Please provide the necessary data in the request body."

HTTP Status

Payload example



400 Bad Request


{"error":"Invalid event id :672a9b95ad7949330256138x is not a valid OID.\n"}

Invalid event id in API

400 Bad Request

empty payload

{"error":"Empty input: Please provide the necessary data in the request body.","errorTitle":"Invalid Input"}

The error message is set to "Empty input: Please provide the necessary data in the request body."

opEvents CLI and API Validations

The opEvents CLI and API both follow a set of validation rules to maintain data integrity:

List of default prop-names which can not be modified.

  '_id' => 1,
  'actions' => 1,
  'planned_outage' => 1,
  'node' => 1,
  'nodeinfo' => 1,
  'host' => 1,
  'action_checked' => 1,
  'script' => 1,
  'node_uuid' => 1

When new property names are added to opCommon.json under opevents/opevents_list_default_properties, they get merged with the default properties, forming a complete set of properties that the system recognises.

/opevents/opevents_list_default_properties : ["details","level","priority"]

Invalid props example

    "node" : "xxxxx",
    "level" : "Minor"

HTTP Status



400 Bad Request

JSON object with error message.
{"error":"Failed to update event, not allowed to change the element: node. List of invalid props: actions|node|action_checked|node_uuid|_id|nodeinfo|script|planned_outage|host"}

The error message is set and will show the list of invalid props.